Chapter 41 Preparations For The Big Feast

Was that the reason they had had to wipe her memories? Had she been so grieved that she had asked Court Cat to wipe her memories? 

According to Court Cat, she could not wipe anyone's memories without their permission. Had she given her the permission to do so willingly or had she been forced to give her permission? What if Court Cat had lied?

"Serap-" Rufus started to say, but was cut off by her.

"Go away, I said!" She snapped with her red puffy eyes narrowed in a glare at him. 

She didn't care if he ordered her to be punished because of this. She just wanted to be alone. They were so unfair. They had aroused an itch in her, and so blatantly refused to scratch it.

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he thought better of it. He turned to glare at Celia.

"Well done." He said, pressed his lips in a thin line, and walked out of the room.