Chapter 46 Bottomless Void

She gulped slowly, not being able to tear her gaze from his pitch black ones. 

"How did you do that? We've been fighting these things for a while now and we've not been able to even dent their skins." Rufus cried, and narrowly dodged a Sigeal's attack.

Ian tore his gaze from Seraphina and turned to stare at the Sigeal's head in his hand before throwing it aside like it was trash. Of course it was trash.

"Stay there." He said to her and turned to inspect the fight. 

Court Cat was still on the same spot, trying to revoke the spell putting the Sigeals at an advantage, but no one knew if she was making progress. She was being shielded by Cora seeing as she couldn't defend herself in her MIA state.

The Sigeals at the sight of Ian cowered in fear. None made the move to attack him. They had all seen what he had done to one of their own and they didn't want to be killed by him.