Chapter 48 A Memory

Seraphina watched a maid struggle to get a spot on the wall just below a window clean. She didn't want to know whose blood stained the wall.

She walked on, walking past some people on the way, and getting judgemental stares. She didn't blame them, she was to blame. It wasn't news that the Sigeals had attacked because of her. Clearly, whoever was heading them needed her for something.

It was blissful hiding behind the curtain of ignorance. She didn't even want to know how many enemies she had or how many people wanted her outside the castle walls.


Seraphina halted abruptly on her heels a few feet before turning a corner, seeing as a man suddenly turned the corner and halted on his steps right in front of her. He was the same man that had been with King Falkor the day before in the dinning hall.