Chapter 50 Can't Love...

"Indifferent?" Seraphina repeated with a scoff but got no reply in a response. It was such a shame that the one and only man that she felt something for was 'indifferent' towards her despite the fact that they were soul bound.

The silence that persisted between them didn't sit well with her. She had never been one to like the silence, especially when it was awkward.

"The feast tomorrow, what is it about?" 

"Just a feast." He shrugged, not taking his eyes from the book he had in his grasp.

Seraphina struggled to keep her temper at bay. It was obviously not 'just' a feast, but he wouldn't say. What were they hiding?

Maybe Rufus would tell her. For the past days since she met him, he never seized to show how interested he was in her. Maybe if she asked him, he would tell her, wanting to remain in her good graces.