Chapter 57 Rage

It hurt so much. His strong grip on my hair was too tight, and no matter how hard I tried to free myself, it didn't work. 

"Be a nice little girl, and be still for papa." He whispered in my ear. His hot disgusting breathe made my skin crawl in irritation.

"Let me go!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, and got smacked hard across the face. It hurt so much. I spat the blood in my mouth in his face, with a harsh glare directed at him. 

"Oh, fiesty, I see." In the dimly lit room, I could see how he licked his lips lustfully, and his red eyes trailed down my body. 

"Maria?" I called within myself, but got no response. I needed her. I didn't know if there was anything she could do, but at least her presence in my head would help.

I didn't know if Ian could feel my emotions right now. Could he? 

"Finally, I've got the chance to lay my hands on you. Now, let's see if you taste as good as you look."