Chapter 67 Not Immune To Defeat


(All Rulers gather to discuss present conditions of their kingdoms)

"We expect the arrival of the redeemer and the curse in a months time more or less." 

Tara announced.

"He's getting weaker. He was meant to kill her immediately, and not indulge himself in babysitting duties. But I can't blame him, she's his soul bound afterall. I can't imagine being in such a dilemma." 

Cat stated out loud.

"Weaker you say? How so?" 

Barbara frowned.

"The curse might not be able to kill him or make him run mad, but he is not completely immune to her. She weakens him." Cat explained.

"She's like a parasite. A deadly parasite who feeds on the strength, sanity and life of those around her." Fay imputed.

"That isn't good at all." Falkor groaned.

"I agree!" Barbara exclaimed.

"We can't have our only hope and only chance of fighting against the curse getting weak. " she lamented.