Chapter 70 Let. It. Out

"Fine! I lied, yeah. I just couldn't help it; that annoying pull to you, to be near you."

She muttered out.

One could see how much it took from her to admit that to even herself not to talk of another person who wasn't her.

"Well, it was the same for us then, except I didn't give in to the pull. Instead, it irritated me the further it grew and I just wanted you to suffer ." She continued to listen to him despite his harsh words.

"Recently, no matter how much I've tried to be irritated by you, I can't." 

"Can we skip this part of the story, Adrian? When does the part where you have unconditional love for me come in?"

She tilted her head to the side with a questioning brow up.

"It's only fair that you call me Adrian because I brought up your past." 

"I'll call you anything I want whenever I want, Adrian." She stared straight into his eyes.

"When does that part come in?" She whispered.