Chapter 73 More Than You Can Imagine

"You're not. Listen, you have to try again, and this time, do not concentrate on how difficult it is, concentrate on your powers. Deities! I never knew that spending five years being separated from your dark side can make you this....I don't even know the right words to use!" He exclaimed.

"I can't try again, Adrian. I have a bad feeling about this." 

"Please, try. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. Heck! You don't even have to enter, all I want you to do, is break the barrier for me to go through."

He pleaded.

Seraphina stared at him with eyes glassy with tears. Since when she became such a cry baby with her soul in one piece, she didn't know.

"So what are you gonna do when you get in there, uh? Order them all to surrender? I'm telling you, whatever is in there is bigger, way bigger than you know." She said, simultaneously poking at his chest with her finger.