Chapter 78 Tentatively, Lips Grazed

"I can smell the fear coming off of you in waves. I can taste it even. Your kind - the iniego owls have always been cowards. You boast with powers you do not know how to wield. It isn't even yours." 

"You lie!" She spat in his face.

"I have broken this promise to Sera once, and I wouldn't break it a second time. I'll serve your head to her and after yours, your master's. Whoever they are, I'll find them and I'll kill them." 

He swore.

The owl lady who looked about ready to explode in fury raised her hand towards him, hoping to strike him with the blue energy that danced around her hand, but nothing happened.

Her face contorted in a frown as she tried again and again to use the powers all to no avail. Her eyes stared wide with fear at her hands that shook uncontrollably.

"No, no." She whispered.

"Like I said, the power of Orge isn't yours to wield." Immediately he said that, he let go of his sword, and his hand came down on her head.