Chapter 80 An Abomination

With a gasp, his eyes flew open. He looked around the eight feet tall rectangular shaped preserver in which he was. Ampular's white energy swirled in and outside of it.

"That was made specially for you." A voice had him directing his gaze to the front. The voice so happened to be referring to the preserver in which he was.

"Ampular." He muttered dryly, as he stepped out of it, and at once, it disappeared like it was never there.

"Ian." She replied as dryly, and turned to walk away, knowing that he was going to follow behind her.


"What does it look like?" Her long olive curls bounced about as she turned to give him the stink eye. Her skin was as radiant and shone as brightly as the sun.


She halted on her steps abruptly and turned to stare at him with an annoyed glare on her face.

"Is that a question?"

"What does it sound like?" He blurted in irritation.