Chapter 84 Regrets

"If you want to fight, do it outside my castle."

Tara's voice echoed throughout the hallway once my stick had successfully formed a shield in front of me, blocking Celia's punch. If she had succeeded in hitting me with her fisted hand which had her purple energy swirling around it, I would have needed a patch up. She moved backwards and away from me at Tara's words.

"I don't want to fight you." 

I said to her and she sneered at me.

"I don't know what must have called for a fight between the both of you, but please do not fight in my castle." Tara came to a halt in front of us, and Celia curtsied.

"I'm sorry, queen Tara." She said tightly and then turned to give me a mean stare which clearly said 'this isn't over' before she turned and left.

"What was that about?" Tara asked once she was out of sight.

"The Dawsons." 

"Oh. I see." She nodded her head in understanding.