Chapter 94 Not The Face

The red marks on my neck indeed were hickeys given to me by Adrian during the heated moment we had shared a few days ago. I thought the marks were fading?

"I don't think that it has anything to do with you." I eyed her, feeling my cheeks burn a bright shade of red. I refused to back down from anyone's stare, also refusing to look at Adrian. I could feel his heated gaze on me, it was too hard to ignore, but I didn't dare look his way.

"Oh, it doesn't." She grinned, while I eyed her up.

I rolled my eyes at her, and I caught Kayla's stare. If eyes could kill, I surely would have been dead.

"What is the state of your Kingdom, King Xavier?" King Nicholas asked.

"More wolves have gone missing. It's worse because I can't seem to point out where the loop hole is." He replied.

"It's the same everywhere, do not beat yourself up too much." Falkor grunted.