Chapter 97 Friends

Now she thought it funny? Was she making jest of me?

"I'm sorry, Seraphina." She said in-between fits of laughter. 

"It's just so hilarious how naive and cute you are when you talk about your sex life. It's not something to be embarrassed about. Besides, Adrian is not just any man," she walked over to me and held my hands in hers. 

"He's your soul bound. Your forever man. Even in your next life, he's going to be your man. You shouldn't be embarrassed." She smiled softly at me.

"I'm not embarrassed. I'm just slightly uncomfortable talking about it." I frowned lightly.

"Well, you shouldn't be. Come, I'll teach what you must know to do when that happens." She released one of my hand, and led me further into the room.


"Phina?" I halted on my heels and turned to stare at Cinthia as she jugged up to me.