Chapter 4

The game ends with Li Xiao Ke's annoyance, she is very angry, and decides to take a walk outside the house, to get some fresh air. She continued to walk under the sky that seemed a little dark because of the clouds. The whole way she kept nagging alone.

"It's really annoying, how dare they corner me in my territory. You'll see, next time I'll get back at them"

Li Xiao Ke knew that someone was following behind her, she immediately stopped in her tracks.

"Timmy ko, have you changed professions to being a stalker now?" Li Xiao Ke asked without looking back.

Timmy's laughter was heard gradually getting closer to her. "Xiao Ke, you're amazing. It seems you have eyes on your back, without looking back, you can tell I'm behind you."

"Why are you following me?"

"Just want some fresh air, it's not good for a little girl like you to walk alone anyway,"


Li Xiao Ke looked at Timmy for a while with pouting lips, then continued her journey towards the city park not far from her house.

Her steps stopped on a swing, then sat there. Timmy, who had been following her, swung slowly.

"Xiao Ke, stop being angry, it doesn't suit you at all." Timmy tried to seduce.

"You keep making me angry."

Timmy smiled "It's also your fault, you are too cute and adorable when you pout, I can't help but tease you,"

"So I'm wrong because I'm cute?"

"'s my fault, for making you upset. Sorry."

Timmy made a funny look on Li Xiao Ke's face, making Li Xiao Ke unable to hide her smile. Seeing Li Xiao Ke smile, Timmy also smiled.

"Xiao Ke, why didn't you want to kiss me was?"

Before Li Xiao Ke had time to answer Timmy's question, suddenly raindrops fell heavily, and stormed them. They immediately ran towards the pavillium located in the middle of the garden for shelter. Timmy kept his eyes on Li Xiao Ke who kept stroking her hair which was slightly wet from the rain. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, blowing and brushing Li Xiao Ke's hair which slightly covered her cute face, suddenly Timmy saw a flawless smooth face. The thin, well-groomed brows furrowed together, along with narrowed eyes, as the wind continued to beat on Li Xiao Ke's face. The tiny nose also smirked slightly, above the thin, luscious pink lips. Seeing the beauty, Timmy's hand subconsciously pulled Li Xiao's tiny body into his arms. Li Xiao Ke was shocked and speechless, her long eyelashes flickering between her sparkling eyes stared at Timmy. Timmy started to smile looking at Li Xiao Ke.

"You haven't answered my question, why didn't you want to kiss me was?" Timmy repeated his question.

"You didn't answer my question either, how many kissing scenes have you had?"

Timmy furrowed his thick eyebrows "Does it matter?"

"No, but behind my back you keep kissing other girls,"

Timmy smiled "Are you jealous?"

Li Xiao Ke was a little embarrassed "Do I look like a jealous person?"

"Then why do you keep bringing it up?"

"I...I just..."

"Just what?"

"I'm just... just... Haiyaa... wouldn't it be weird, if I wasn't jealous seeing you kissing other girls!!" Li Xiao Ke looked very annoyed.

Timmy chuckled, then gently stroked Li Xiao Ke's hair. "Li Xiao Ke, you know I'm an actor, I have to be professional at work. That kind of thing, sometimes I can't avoid it. But believe me, my heart only belongs to you"

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Unexpectedly, Timmy immediately kissed Li Xiao Ke's lips, Li Xiao Ke's eyes widened in surprise.

"Now do you believe it?" Asked Timmy, after releasing the kiss.

"That doesn't prove anything,"

"Is that true?"

Timmy's lips landed on Li Xiao Ke's lips again, and fused without a gap, now Timmy not only kissed, but also played with his tongue making Li Xiao Ke's breath a little irregular, she began to get carried away, her eyes began to close, enjoying the softness of Timmy's lips that continued to sweep mouth. Unknowingly, her hands began to move along Timmy's broad chest, then clung to Timmy's slender neck. Timmy kissed her more intensely, it felt like the love they had endured for the past year had spilled over, accompanied by torrential rain and cold winds.

It was already evening, but the rain had not stopped. Timmy and Li Xiao Ke were still standing hugging each other in the middle of the pavilion, Li Xiao Ke's head was resting on Timmy's chest, with her eyes closed, listening to the still beating heart.

"Timmy ko," Li Xiao Ke started to sound.


"I want to go home. Quickly call Fat or Nana, tell them to bring the umbrella here,"

"I left my cell phone at home,"

"Me too, then how do we get home?"

"It's raining very hard, we'd better wait for the rain to let up a bit first"

"If you were planning to follow me, why didn't you bring an umbrella with you!"

Timmy's brows furrowed "Xiao Ke, do you want to get me into a fight, how did I know it would rain this hard!"

Li Xiao Ke giggled "I was just asking," Li Xiao Ke released herself from Timmy's arms, and whined a little "Ko, let's go home,"

"Can't you see, it's still raining too hard."

"Come on, come on, it's okay to play in the rain a little bit, it's just close,"

"No, it's too cold"

"Koko come on..." Li Xiao Ke kept whining while shaking Timmy's hand.

Seeing the cute face that kept on whining, Timmy finally melted too. They ran while playing in the middle of the pouring rain that wet their whole body. The silhouette of Li Xiao Ke's slender body was immediately visible, as the clothes she was wearing stuck to her curves, because they were wet from the rain. A sight that Timmy could not ignore.

Arriving at home, Li Xiao Ke immediately pampered herself, by soaking in warm water in a bathtub filled with foam. The fresh smell of bath soap, like a therapy that makes her mind relax, after being hit by a fairly heavy rain. Satisfied with pampering herself, she immediately dried her hair and changed into her clothes. And to her surprise, when she was about to get some water from the kitchen, she saw that Timmy had not changed. He was still wearing wet clothes, and his lips were starting to turn blue from the cold.

"Timmy ko, why haven't you showered yet? Your clothes are wet, you'll catch a cold you know,"

"Looks like someone died in the bathroom, waiting for it to not come out,"

Li Xiao Ke looked around, Fatty is playing an online game, meaning Nana is in the bathroom.

"Koko can use my bathroom, let's get cold." Li Xiao Ke led Timmy to her private bathroom, which was next to her bedroom.