Chapter 15

Timmy paced in and out of every room in Li Xiao Ke's house, making Nana and Fat who witnessed it a little dizzy.

"Master Jiang, are you looking for something? Can I help you?" Nana started to offer help.

"Where is Li XiaoKe?"

"Hihihihi...a new bride aura, even though it's been a month since we've been married," Fat whispered to Nana.

Timmy immediately hit Fatty's head lightly. "Shut up you Fat! You thought I didn't hear!"

Fatty was still giggling while holding his head.

"Miss Li is upstairs, she is exercising." Nana replied she also giggled.

"Hah, exercise? Isn't she just recovering, why is she insisting on exercising,"

Timmy started to worry about Li Xiao Ke, who had not yet fully recovered from her illness. He started running upstairs and the song Tate McCrae-Rubberband greeted him as soon as he got upstairs. He started to sigh and smiled as he saw Li Xiao Ke's body swaying beautifully in the middle of the room, she was dancing. He quietly started to take out his cell phone and record Li Xiao Ke's dance.

Timmy's smile slowly faded from his sweet lips, Li Xiao Ke's dance was so beautiful and mesmerizing, but Timmy felt that his every movement was filled with deep sadness, without realizing it, tears started to well up in Timmy's eyes.

Li Xiao Ke's dance ended, Timmy immediately wiped his tears and smiled as Li Xiao Ke looked at him, Li Xiao Ke also smiled at Timmy. Timmy slowly walked towards his little wife, she was a little clumsy and speechless. In the end he just flapped his hands hoping Li Xiao Ke would hug him. Li Xiao Ke smiled again, and immediately hugged her husband.Timmy gently started stroking Li Xiao Ke's head.

"Don't hold it in anymore, if you're sad you can cry now," Timmy said quietly.

I don't know, as if getting support, suddenly Li Xiao Ke's tears spilled down the cheeks and the front of the shirt Timmy was wearing. Timmy sighed again, while continuing to stroke Li Xiao Ke's head, who was still sobbing in his arms.

After a while, they just sat quietly on the sofa, they didn't talk to each other. Li Xiao Ke had already stopped crying, but her gaze was still blank without being able to say anything. The atmosphere became very still and stiff.

"Until when?" Timmy's voice began to break the silence.


"Until when?"


"Until when are you going to hide your sadness?"

Li Xiao Ke sighed, "I'm not sad."

"Don't lie anymore, I don't like it. Since we lost our baby-to-be, you have never cried or blamed me, you also forbade everyone to mention this matter, you continue to hide your own sadness, so that I don't continue to feel guilty?"

Li Xiao Ke didn't answer, she just lowered her head.

Timmy grabbed Li Xiao Ke's fingers, "Xiao Ke, I'm really sorry, I've made a very fatal mistake, to make the beginning of our marriage so pathetic. Now tell me, what should I do so you don't feel sad anymore?"

"I told you I'm not sad!" Li Xiao Ke was silent for a moment.

"I just miss him a little. It feels so strange, at first I didn't want him, but when he actually came into my life, I really wanted to keep him. Doesn't it sound like I'm very selfish?" Li Xiao Ke chuckled, as if laughing at herself.

Timmy started to smile faintly "You are not selfish, you are a good mother, that's why you want to keep him,"

Li Xiao Ke stared at Timmy for a moment, "Umm... by the way, why did Koko suddenly come here?"

"Just wanted to check on you. Why are you exercising, aren't your wounds healed yet?"

"Just a little bit of emotion, and it doesn't hurt too much anyway,"

"You're very good at this. Oh yeah, I was recording your dance, you want to see it?" Timmy gave his cell phone to Li Xiao Ke, "You are very good at lyrical type dance, isn't it a shame if you keep it hidden? You should be a professional dancer by now,"

"I'm a very unruly person, I do what I like according to my mood, I'm not suited to a time-bound job. Besides, if I become very popular, I won't have much time to spend with you," Li Xiao Ke rested her head on his shoulder Timmy.

Timmy suddenly laughed to himself making Li Xiao Ke feel a little strange.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Look at you now, isn't it very funny,"

Li Xiao Ke was getting more and more confused, "What's so funny? I think, I'm fine now,"

"You used to be so fierce to me, as if you wanted to pound me on a rock every time you saw me, but now you're like a sweet little wife. I feel like I've really managed to tame you now, hahahaa..."

Li Xiao Ke was a little embarrassed "Why, isn't a cute little wife nice?"

"That's right, and still besweet little wife for me forever,"


"Boss, I have ordered tickets, we will take off from Adi Soemarmo Solo airport at eleven tomorrow afternoon," Said Fatty to Timmy.

"Good, quickly help me pack now,"

Li Xiao Ke who was drinking, immediately spit water from her mouth when she heard Timmy and Fatty's conversation.

"What ticket are you guys talking about?" Li Xiao Ke's face started to look worried.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, tomorrow I'm going back to China,"

Li Xiao Ke immediately put the glass on the table, and hurriedly ran to hug her husband.

"Why so suddenly Ko?" Li Xiao Ke's face really looked so worried, as if her husband wanted to stay in the battlefield.

"Not suddenly, actually it's been a week since the management contacted me, but because you were sick I forgot to tell you,"

"Can't it be postponed, the departure,"

"You can't Xiao Ke, I already signed a contract before leaving for Indonesia,"

Li Xiao Ke slammed her feet on the floor while whining, as she continued to hug her husband who was as tall as a flagpole. "Anyway you can't! I won't let you go back to China tomorrow!"

"Li Xiao Ke, why are you so fussy, when your husband is going to work,"

"That's not it Ko, the problem is that you will leave me thousands of miles from here. Anyway, no, I won't let you go back to China tomorrow." Li Xiao Ke was so panicked and almost wanted to cry.

"Xiao Ke, now that you are my wife, of course you will also come to China with me. How could I leave you here alone,"

Li Xiao Ke blinked "But what about my job?"

"Which job? Can't your job be done anywhere?"

"The problem is that I've received so many endorsed items from Ko, because yesterday we were in Bali, and also yesterday I fell ill, the items that I haven't had time to review are piling up, piling up, and piling up,"

"That's not a problem, just take it all with you tomorrow,"

"But that's a lot Ko,"

"Xiao Ke, that's the point of why we pay Nana and Fatty, just have them pack and bring it tomorrow. Already, don't whine anymore, aren't you ashamed to see Nana and Fatty?"

Li Xiao Ke's eyes immediately widened and turned to the two assistants. She just realized that the two rancid faces had been staring at her for a while. Suddenly she was struck with shame, and immediately let go of Timmy's arms.

"What are you looking at? Never seen a husband and wife having a discussion?" Li Xiao Ke tried to cover up her embarrassment with a curt face that actually looked very cute and adorable. In an arrogant manner, Li Xiao Ke slowly left and hid herself into the room.

Suddenly, Timmy, Fatty, and Nana's laughter, bursting out instantly, filled the entire room after Li Xiao Ke left. Squirts, like a soda that has been shaken before opening the can.