Chapter 30

Timmy was so panicked, his mind was racing, he was so worried, and immediately ran to find his little wife. His chest felt so sore and pounding, what was going on with Li Xiao Ke now.

Timmy's face suddenly became furious, seeing Li Xiao Ke sitting down, with her palms and knees bleeding, from being hit by shards of broken glass, which were scattered on the floor, near a tall woman named Anna. Li Xiao Ke's eyes narrowed slightly, from enduring the pain.

"Xiao Ke, what happened to you?" Timmy held Li Xiao Ke's hand, which looked bloody, with anger and worry covering the handsome man's face.

"I'm fine, just bleeding a little,"

Timmy, who was so worried and worried, immediately picked up, and carried his wife's body away from the place, so worried, Timmy forgot to ask how the chronology of the incident was.

While Anna continued to stand, staring at the sturdy back, which passed, carrying his wife's body, passed her without a smile or greeting, from the mouth of the handsome man who had filled her days. Her fingers were tightly clenched, her jaw clenched tightly in anger, her gaze was so cynical and piercing, there was such a deep jealousy, when she saw Timmy was so worried about Li Xiao Ke.


Timmy immediately put his wife's body on the sofa, after that he came out again from his room. A few moments later, he came back, with the medicine box, where did he get it from. Still without saying anything, he slowly started to clean his wife's wound. Li Xiao Ke groaned slightly, feeling pain in his palms and knees, making Timmy's heart feel like it was sliced ​​when he heard it. Timmy immediately put a bandage on his wife's wound.

Li Xiao Ke continued to watch her husband who was still wrapping the bandage on her hand, his face still looking irritated, but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, for worrying you, does it really hurt?" With her hands wrapped in bandages, Li Xiao Ke slowly held her husband's chest.

Timmy sighed for a moment, then lowered Li Xiao Ke's hand, "Xiao Ke, tell me, how did all this happen, did Anna do it?"

Li XiaoKe nodded slowly.

Timmy sighed again and hugged his wife. "I'm sorry, next time I won't let you go alone again," Timmy sounded very apologetic.

Li Xiao Ke immediately let go of Timmy's embrace, "Why are you apologizing, it's not your fault. It's my fault too, for running around, until I lost my balance, when Anna's long legs tried to trip me up, so I fell on the glass shards. Another Next time I will be more careful, so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again. Besides, a small wound like this won't hurt me, you don't have to worry too much, just relax."

Timmy sighed again.

"Don't breathe."


"No chuckling, no snorting, and also being angry."

"Then what should i do?" Timmy was starting to get annoyed because he couldn't express his emotions.

Li Xiao Ke giggled and held the corners of her husband's lips "Smile..."


"That's right... you are chuckling again, I told you not to chuckle."

"Yeah no, but how can I smile, seeing you hurt like this."

"Don't look at it, pretend it never happened,"

Timmy pulled his lips to the side and stood up.

"Where's Koko going?"

"Order food, hungry,"

"I also!"


Timmy caressed gently, the bangs that almost covered his wife's forehead, the beautiful eyes that used to sparkle, now closed, highlighting the long eyelashes, which were lined up neatly around the beautiful eyes of his little wife. The little girl had fallen asleep after finishing her dinner. Time and again Timmy took a deep breath, looking at his wife's innocent face. He felt so guilty, because his past kept trying to hurt the little girl. He felt so emotional, when he saw the wounds on his wife's palms and knees.

After kissing his wife's forehead, Timmy immediately came out of his room. He went to the bar near the hotel they were staying at. Of course he immediately found Anna there.

Seeing Timmy's arrival, the woman immediately smiled. "Baby, you finally came, did you miss me?"

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Don't act stupid!"

"Oh, I was just playing with your little girl, running around in the hotel lobby,"

"Anna, Li Xiao Ke has nothing to do with our past, so if there is a problem, you can directly deal with me, no need to involve her,"

"Huh, are you scared? Do you really love that little girl? To the point that you have to come and harass me like this, just for her sake,"

"Anna, what did Li Xiao Ke do to you?"

"Of course she's wrong, she has snatched you from me, I'm so sick of seeing her cute, always cheerful face, I'm so sick of you watching her, I'm sick of seeing you making out with her. Tim, what can't you feel how jealous I am seeing that? Can't you just look at me for a bit?"

"Our relationship is over Anna, everything has been ruined, ever since you decided to sleep with that famous actor,"

"Now that you're bringing it up again, can't you just forget about it? It's over, can't you see who I am now? Now I'm very beautiful and famous too, and so are you, we are the perfect couple Tim."

"Anna, I'm married. Don't you realize how disgusting you are now. I warned you, Li Xiao Ke is my wife, if you dare to hurt her again, you will deal with me, keep that in mind!" Timmy immediately left the long-legged girl.

"So why if you're married, you can still divorce her Tim. Come back, give me one more chance!" The girl kept shouting, but Timmy didn't answer or turn to her at all, the handsome man's back soon disappeared from the girl's sight.

"Unlucky!!" The girl cursed while pouring her anger on the bench in front of her, she kicked the bench. She hated Li Xiao Ke even more, Timmy's warning didn't slow down her intention to hurt the little girl at all. Now she is even more motivated to separate their relationship.

"Li Xiao Ke, now you've really pissed me off. Look what I'm going to do to you, you damn bitch!" The woman began to grin evilly, from the corners of her red lips, I don't know what the sly girl was planning.