Chapter 45

Li Xiao Ke's little fingers were still playing on her husband's chest. Her eyes were twinkling, with her head resting in the arms of her husband, who was lying down, eyes closed.

"Xiao Ke, don't provoke me again, with your tickling fingers." Timmy suddenly made a sound, causing Li Xiao Ke to look up at her husband who was still closed.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Not yet, just recovering energy."

"Does Koko still want to see manager Lin?"

Timmy immediately laughed at Li Xiao Ke's question.

"Why are you laughing?"

Timmy immediately opened his eyes, tilted his body, and looked at Li Xiao Ke with a smile.

Li Xiao Ke's eyes immediately widened, "So Koko made a fool of me earlier?"

Timmy laughed again, "Now you realize it,"

Li Xiao Ke started beating Timmy's chest, "So annoying. Why did you do that?"

"I have no other choice, to get your attention. After all, you've been ignoring me for too long, it's also very annoying. When did you stop writing?"

"Why should I quit? I love writing."

"Xiao Ke, actually I don't mind you writing, whatever makes you happy I will support you, but you also shouldn't neglect the people around you. As the saying goes, reading and writing opens windows to the world, not to close yourself off to the world. Try to remember, since you wrote, how many times have you left your room? You eat, drink in your room, you also rarely exercise now, in time you will become fat because of your habits."

Li Xiao Ke stared at Timmy for a moment, "Alright, I'll remember your teachings, teacher."

Timmy smiled. "By the way, why were you so panicked earlier when I wanted to go have a drink with manager Lin?"

"You said Anna was there, of course I panicked."

"So why? You doubt me?"

"Tch...I don't doubt you, but Anna always has a way of teasing you, I don't like that. After all, even though Anna is very annoying, no doubt, Anna is a very beautiful and tall woman, sometimes I also admire her. I'm absolutely nothing compared to her."

"You think I'd be seduced, just by physical beauty alone?"

"I don't know, it's just that you've been with her, surely Anna has more value, so you like her."

"It's just the past, my future is you,"

Li Xiao Ke stared at Timmy for a moment. "Ko Timmy, I remember Anna's words when I was near the lake. You are very handsome and famous, you can easily choose a very beautiful girl to be your life partner. Why did you choose me, an ordinary foreign girl?"

"Because you are my soulmate." Timmy stared at Li Xiao Ke intently, his hands began to caress the luscious face in front of him, then spoke softly and quietly to his wife.

"A soulmate will unite by itself without being asked, regardless of who she is, and how far the distance separates us, time will continue to guide us, and show the way to unite us."

Li Xiao Ke stared at her husband silently, her heart trembled at Timmy's deep words. Her eyes began to tear up, there was a speck of emotion, which appeared in her heart. Li Xiao Ke immediately hugged Timmy's body tightly, she really found a sense of peace there.


"Xiao Ke, manager Lin invited us to his wedding anniversary. Dress up pretty, I'll pick you up, seven o'clock at night." Timmy said before leaving for the shoot.

"Ummm... actually I have an appointment this afternoon."

Timmy furrowed his thick eyebrows. "Promise with whom?"

"Koko knows director Fu Zeyi? Young director, who is very handsome and also talented."

Timmy furrowed his brows again. "Does your husband lack good looks, so you have to praise other people's good looks in front of your husband?"

Li Xiao Ke giggled, seeing Timmy jealous, "Of course not, you are my most handsome husband in the universe. I mean, I want to say that my novel was adopted by director Fu Zeyi, so glad that my novel is finally made into a film."

"What time did you meet him?"

"Six o'clock in the afternoon. Umm...let's face it, I'll follow you to the party after my business is done, how about it?"

"Alright, I'll send you the address later. Oh yeah, you don't go alone, take Wei Lian with you." As usual after kissing Li Xiao Ke's forehead, Timmy immediately went to work.

In the afternoon, Li Xiao Ke met with director Fu Zeyi accompanied by Wei Lian. Fu Zeyi is a very friendly person, and also very kind, Li Xiao Ke is very happy to work with him. Suddenly Li Xiao Ke felt unwell, her head was a little dizzy, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

"It's a pleasure to work with you, madam Jiang." Fu Zeyi stretched out his hand to shake hands with Li Xiao Ke.

Li Xiao Ke forced herself to smile, and shookhand, even though she felt like she was about to faint, "It's also a pleasure to work with you Mr. Fu."

Li Xiao Ke's vision suddenly became blurry, her body started to wobble, and she almost fell, but luckily Fu Zeyi caught Li Xiao Ke's body immediately.

Ckreck! Ckreck! A camera snaps, as Li Xiao Ke falls into Fu Zeyi's arms.

"Sorry." Li Xiao Ke immediately broke free from Fu Zeyi's embrace.

"Mrs Jiang, you seem unwell, should I take you to the hospital?" Fu Zeyi asked.

"Thank you Mr. Fu, but it's not necessary, I'll be fine later. Sorry I have to leave soon, my husband is already waiting for me to attend a party."

"At a time like this, you should be resting, why attend a party instead?"

"I don't want to disappoint my husband, I promised to accompany him to the party tonight."

"Should I take you to the party?"

"Thank you Mister Fu, but that's not necessary, I'm with my bodyguard now."

"Oh, well, be careful on the road."

Li Xiao Ke smiled again and left Fu Zeyi. She had just walked a few steps when her cell phone suddenly rang, it was a call from Timmy.

"Yes, Ko?"

"Xiao Ke, did something happen to you?" Timmy's voice sounded very panicked.

"No, don't worry I'm fine."

"Don't lie, my heart was beating really fast earlier."

"I was just feeling a little dizzy, but now I'm better."

"Are you sick? Do you need me to pick you up now?"

"No need, I'm fine now, after all there is Wei Lian here. Koko don't worry, wait for me a moment, I will come soon."