Chapter 49

After a moment of sobbing in Timmy's arms, Li Xiao Ke finally calmed down. She hasn't said anything yet, her eyes are closed, she didn't think that being in her husband's arms would feel so comfortable, did she really miss Timmy too much, because a few days before they had not spoken to each other, let alone touched. While Timmy himself was still silent, as he continued to hug his wife, he let Li Xiao Ke arrange her heart, or actually he was the one who was arranging his heart, he felt very guilty, because he had hurt Li Xiao Ke's feelings.

"Are you still dizzy?" Timmy's voice broke the silence, and broke Li Xiao Ke's thoughts.

Li Xiao Ke shook her head.

Timmy let go of his arms, "You fell on the floor when you passed out, does anything hurt?"

"My aching heart," Li Xiao Ke replied quickly, her tone still a little cold.

Timmy smiled, it was better for Li Xiao Ke to answer, than not. Since Li Xiao Ke still didn't want to smile at him, Timmy's mischievous brain started to function more smoothly. His hands started to grab Li Xiao Ke's shirt buttons.

"Ko Timmy what are you doing?" Li Xiao Ke exclaimed while holding Timmy's hands, preventing him from unbuttoning her shirt.

"I want to check your heart, she said she was sick?"

"Are you crazy?"

Timmy smiled he kept trying to unbutton his wife's shirt, but Li Xiao Ke kept pushing Timmy's hand away from her body. Finally Timmy put his face on his wife's front body, then rubbed his face there.

"Ko Timmy, what are you doing? stop! That's so ticklish." The laughter that had not emerged from Li Xiao Ke's small mouth for the past few days, finally came with a smile on the cute girl's face.

Timmy also laughed, now he started to put his ear, on Li Xiao Ke's front body. "It seems your heart is fine. Yours is also beating perfectly."

"My heart is not there."

"I told you, it won't be accurate if it's not opened." Timmy again tried to unbutton Li Xiao Ke's shirt.

"Ko Timmy stop it, I told you my heart wasn't there." Li Xiao Ke continued to laugh while blocking Timmy's hand from unbuttoning her shirt.

"Then where is your heart?"

"Weren't you the one who brought it?"

Timmy's lips immediately pursed at Li Xiao Ke's sweet answer.

"Okay, I will check my heart that I left with you, are you taking good care of it?" Timmy's hands are back in action.

"Ko Timmy stop it, why are you so perverted? We're in the hospital right now."

"So why? You are my wife, of course I'm legal if I want to do it."


Timmy immediately stopped his hand at the sound. Timmy and Li Xiao Ke immediately turned their faces towards the source of the voice. It turned out to be Li Xiao Ke's older brother, Li Jingmi.

"You guys always do it in public places, first in the elevator, now in the hospital. Is your house no longer comfortable for making out? If so, tell me, what kind of house do you want, let me buy it for you?" Li Jingmi asked.

Timmy was a little embarrassed. He also wondered why Li Xiao Ke's brother always appeared suddenly at a time like this.

"Since when has Jingmi been there?" Li Xiao Ke asked her brother.

"Long enough, enough to witness and record your affection." Li Jingmi immediately approached his sister.

"Huh, recording?? Why are you recording it?"

"Of course to send it to grandpa..."

"Why did koko send it to grandpa? It's so embarrassing."

"Xiao Ke, news of Jiang Tim's affair with a model named Anna has spread everywhere, Grandpa asked me to see your current situation, without providing any concrete evidence, will Grandpa believe me if I say your relationship is fine. Grandpa is very worried, by watching the video, grandfather will feel a little calm."

Timmy lowered his head, apparently what he did affected Li Xiao Ke's family too, he felt so ashamed of himself.

"Oh yeah, why are you at the hospital? If you just want to make out, why don't you go home?"

"Umm... this morning Li Xiao Ke fainted, we just found out that Li Xiao Ke is pregnant now." Timmy replied with a smile.

"Pregnant? Hahaha...That's good, grandpa will be happy to hear that. Look, grandpa is calling now, I'll give this good news to grandpa."

"Use the loudspeaker!" Li Xiao Ke exclaimed.

"Alright.." Li Jingmi immediately received his grandfather's call, with loudspeaker mode, "Yes, grandfather?"

"How is your sister doing?" Grandpa's voice came from the other side.

"Grandpa doesn't need to worry, she's fine. Didn't Grandpa have seen the video I sent, if they were in the hospital they could make out like that, how could their relationship not be fine?"

"You mean grandpa, why is your sister in the hospital? What's wrong with her? Did Jiang Tim hurt her?"

Timmy again lowered his face to hearLi Xiao Ke's grandfather asked.

"Ah... Grandpa is too much, of course they have to go to the hospital, because Li Xiao Ke is pregnant right now."

"What? Pregnant? Hahaha...that's really good news." Grandpa's voice sounded very happy. Timmy smiled at that.

"Congratulations, grandpa is going to be great-grandfather now."

"Yes, yes, yes, tell your sister to always take care of her health. Tell Jiang Tim too, don't allow Li Xiao Ke to run around like a child again."

Timmy stifled a laugh, while glancing at Li Xiao Ke out of the corner of his narrow eyes, hearing Grandpa's request. Seeing Timmy glance at her, Li Xiao Ke immediately pursed her lips.

"Okay, I'll tell them. Now you don't have to worry anymore." Li Jingmi immediately hung up the call from his grandfather. "You've heard right, how is grandfather so worried about you? You must take care of your health from now on."

Li XiaoKe nodded.

"Alright, since you guys are fine, I have to say goodbye now. Jiang Tim, I've always trusted you, don't make weird news anymore, that's really bad to hear."

Timmy looked directly at Li Jingmi, then nodded. Li Jingmi smiled. He immediately left after patting Timmy on the back.

"It seems ko Jingmi loves you more than me." Li Xiao Ke grumbled after her brother left.

"Why do you say that? Are you jealous of your brother too?"

"Of course, he is my real brother, why did he pat you on the back before leaving? He didn't even say bye to me before leaving."

Suddenly a voice was heard. "Sorry I forgot to say, bye little sister!"

It turned out that Li Jingmi came back again, and left again after saying that word. Li Xiao Ke immediately chuckled.

"Bye, koko be careful on the road." Li XiaoKe exclaimed.

Meanwhile Timmy was gawking. Are all the Li family this weird?