Battle in the Shadows (2)

Jason returned his sword to the ready and glanced towards where the arrows were coming from.

Seeing Leviticus standing in the corner, Jason nodded to him and yelled out "Be ready. He's not dead yet."

Leviticus nodded back and nocked another arrow while crouching down into a battle stance. He began peering around, ready for an attack to come from any direction.

Jason knew that Shrarzok hadn't died yet, not only because The System hadn't said anything, but also because this was a signal of the second phase of the Shrarzoks battles in the rifts in his past life. Shrarzok would feign death to lull is enemies into complacency, then strike the instant they let their guards down.

Shrarzok was highly susceptible to the holy element, more so than the typical demon. This was due to Shrarzok mainly being made up of shadows and flame, other than holy and celestial elements, there weren't many elements that could damage him. The majority of the elements would do a limited amount of damage against him, except for the holy and celestial elements which do 300% extra damage to him.

In the land of Socrathia, magic was made up of four base elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water. The rest of the elements were made of a different amount and combination of these four elements that would make any chemist on earth proud. However, there were several unique elements that had no combination among these four elements, namely; celestial, shadow, demonic, time, and chaos magic.

Shadow was among those unique elements that very few individuals could manipulate. It was unique in that it could make the user resistant to almost every magic and very few individuals had a resistance against it. This was one of the reasons Heavenly Defiance was able to stay as the strongest User in his past life. Shadow Magics only weakness was Holy and Celestial magic; these two elements caused the shadow magic to disperse and its wielder to take magnified damage.

Now that Shrarzok had tasted his Holy Seal and sword combo, Jason knew that Shrarzok wouldn't be making that same mistake again and would aim to stay as far away from him as possible.

Jason was also running low on mana, and his Vitality Points were below half.

[System Message -

User: Thanataion

Level: 0

Experience: 227/10

Titles: Mana Guru, Forerunner Forger, Extraordinary Forger

Class: None

Race: Human

Strength: 13 (+13)

Dexterity: 11 (+10)

Constitution: 11 (+28)

Intelligence: 11

Will: 17

Vitality: 54/117

Mana : 100/340


Resistances: Necrotic +15

Proficiencies: Blacksmithing - 7/20 (Intermediate)

Skills: Mana Sense – 2/20 (Intermediate) | Mana Manipulation - 13/20 (Intermediate) | Iron Fist - 4/10 (Beginner) | Mana Strengthening - 5/10 (Beginner) | Flame-Throw - 4/20 (Intermediate) | Holy Seal - 0/10 (Beginner) | Night Eyes - 0/10 (Beginner) | Bone Prison - 0/80 (Expert) | Flame Manipulation – 2/10 (Beginner)

Passive Skills: Mana Guru Effect - 1/10 Beginner

Equipped: Frosty Longsword, Hellhound Heater Shield, Blessed Breastplate

Inventory: 30 Copper - 6 Silver - Two maces - 2 Oak Shields - Helm of the Dark - Cracked Breastplate - Necro Claymore - Tower Shield - uncommon materials - Necro Tide Skill Book - eight health potions - one dagger - a holy staff. - 20 two handed swords - Boots of Speed - Hardy Belt]

Jason took the opportunity during this short lull in battle to drain a vitality potion into his mouth. His Vitality Points immediately rose back to their max.

At this moment two shadow hounds appeared in the middle of the room. Leviticus shot an arrow at each of them as one ran towards Jason and the other towards Leviticus. Both arrows embedded into the hounds feet, causing them to tumble to the ground and Jason very quickly executed the two with a Holy Seal powered slash.

As Jason killed the final hound, he very quickly turned and raised his shield where his back once was just in time to block a slash from Shrarzok who had appeared from thin air. After being denied his kill Shrarzok immediately disappeared into the shadows again with a growl.

In the corner Leviticus activated his stealth skill and disappeared into the shadows leaving Jason as the only visible being in the room.

Jason stretched his mana sense to the extreme, waiting for any fluctuations in the surrounding mana to give him a hint. This was the most dangerous stage of battling Shrarzok, as the demon would come out to attack at random moments.

Jason activated his breastplates stalwart skill, and patiently waited for Shrarzok to appear again.

The shadows around him were constantly moving and flickering due to the flame borderline of the gateway that was still active. The only sound being his own breathing and the rattle of his equipment with every step he took.

Closing his eyes, Jason took a deep breath; sight would only distract him from his mana sense and he needed to focus intently at the moment.

Spreading his senses out, Jason could see the swirling mana and feel the direction it was going in. After a few moments of waiting, he could sense some mana gathering just a few paces to his right. He waited patiently for the mana to peak, and immediately stepped to the side and activated Bone Prison.

Five bone spears erupted from the ground as Shrarzok became visible with a large black fireball shooting towards where Jason was previously standing.

The black ball of flames completely missed Jason and erupted on the ground as the five bone spears pierced into Shrarzok, severely injuring him, and pinning him in place.

Four glowing arrows quickly flew out of nowhere piercing through Shrarzoks elbows and knees, completely incapacitating him. Roaring in agony, black tendrils erupted from Shrarzok once more as the tendrils relentlessly began to batter the bone spears protruding through him.

Jason pressed his advantage, and with a flurry of blows he lopped of many of the shadow tendrils as more arrows continued to embed into the Demon.

As the struggling of Sharzok slowly grew weaker, Jason pierced his glowing white sword through the center of the Demons chest causing the roars and struggles to cease, and the body of Shrarzok the Shadow began to dissipate into white smoke that flew into the portal that was hanging in the middle of the room.

With a loud snap, the portal shattered into a million pieces and scattered itself all over the floor.

[System Message – Congratulations, you have slain Shrarzok the Shadow. Calculating contribution now.]