Qhoui-e, Lady Of The Risen

Luc dragged with broken and beaten up body back to the great hall, expecting to be met with the same guy as usual and perhaps get soeme info on the last boss he had to defeat but to his surprise, no one was there, the place was completely empty, the scene seemed eerie for some reason.

Making use of various healing items that were in the great hall, he wondered why he hadn't brought any with him in any of his fights, he also grabbed some items that should prove useful for his next fight alongside anything that could be useful.

Once his injuries were fully healed, he immediately departed for his last fight after that, he should be able to go back to his actual world, at this point he had no idea how much time had passed, everything was warped in this world, he had run into areas were time had been frozen completely and he himself had not aged at all since his arrival.

Luc went to the east, heading to the great temple, where Qhoui-e, Lady Of The Risen resided, the great temple was in ruin, the stone it had been made out of seemed to have eroded and was being consumed by something, it almost looked as if it was rotting.

He made sure to activate one of the item he had taken from the great hall, forming a bubble of pure life to surround himself with, pushing away the ambient death the temple was filled with making his way inside he ran into nothing, no undead were around, making him nervous, he advenced slowly paying attention to everything around him, the place was dark and anything could be hiding within.

Arriving into a large room, standing on the hotel were the representation of a god should be, stood a woman with dark hair that looked wet for some unknown reason.

Her right hand was nothing but bone and she seemed to have dark spots that hollowed all over her body, she turned to him the moment he looked at her.

"Ah, I knew you would come for me too" she spoke her voice was strange almost as if someone alse was also speaking when she did so.

"Kill him" she said as she raised her arm up and suddenly from the darkness of the large room emerged a great number of undeads, all with strange dark spot that were hollowing on their bones and rotten flesh.

They slowly advanced toward him as Qhoui-e retreated into the darkness, the opening behind Luc was closed up by pure death so thick that his item couldn't do anything about it.

An undead with one of its arms missing charged at him only to be shattered by a swipe of uc's trusty stone club, fighting against such a large group of enemy was difficult as they attacked whenever their target was in range.

Even though he got slashed and stabbed on multiple occasions and even got one of his feet gnawned at by a skeletons head that had fallen to the ground, Luc noticed that it was still much easier than he had expected and after a lengthy battle no undead were left around and he chased after his main target.

As he advanced, he could discern a closed door in the dark due to a strangely colored light that shined through its gaps, suddenly raising his head up, he saw a much larger undead about to drop on top of him, he ran and rolled forward in a slight hurry and managed to avoid being turned into a puddle of blood.

The undead in front of him was easily two and half meter tall, its bones were thick and had less of those dark spots than the other, it gripped a large battle axe with both of its hands and a small blue flame could be seen in the depth of his hollow eyes.

However, it did not wear much armor at all, if this was the strongest undead around then this whole ordeal could have been done much sooner but Luc still had the feeling that this was dangerous.

The undead brought its axe done with an overhead strike, embedding it in the ground due to its careless attack allowing Luc to smack it directly in the face with his club but to his surprise, even though the strike had done some damage the club bounced off as if he had hit metal.

Pulling its axe out in one movement the undead then smashed the end of his axe into the ground and ethereal skulls appeared above him that immediately started chasing Luc down, the skull couldn't be destroyed by striking against them, so Luc was forced to run around while fighting the undead who was wildly swinging his axe at him at all times, now that he had started swinging, the momentum kept carrying its endless strikes.

Finding a few moments of respite, Luc reached behind him and then swung his arm at the undead, a vial shattered directly in its face and immediately, the undead's face started melting, it stopped swinging and the skulls also disappeared, distracted it failed to see the club slamming down onto its softened skull, shattering it to pieces, the undead's body fell apart.

The bottle of holy life magic had proven effective, Luc broken the door down and was met with an incredible sight, this room was enormous and most importantly, he understood the lack of undead, in a gigantic pit in the ground, remains of many undeads were to be seen, the pit was also being filled with a bright blue liquid, liquid mana it seems and the Lady Of The Risen stood above it, chanting an ominous chant in a language he couldn't understand.

Before he could even fully comprehend what he was gazing upon, she stopped chanting and the death in the air was sucked toward the pit, the thousands of undead remains of all kinds of creatures melded together with the mana.

Qhoui-e had a mad look on her face was she nearly collapsed, the ball that contained everything rose into the air and started choatically expanding and changing color, turning into a deep purple before expanding even more and bursting into a flash of deep purple, flooding the room in its light.

"Ahahah! Here he comes!" excitedly proclaimed Qhoui-e, as she madly laughed.

"The greatest of all undeads!" she exclaimed as an ominous feeling ingrained itself into Luc's heart and mind.