Ignosi, The Ever-Seeking

An pale blue ball of mana formed above Ignosi's head and started shooting out ice spikes at Luc continuously and at absurd speeds, forcing him to constantly run to avoid having the spikes turning him into a colander.

"Ever since you first appeared in front of me, I knew that you were one of those otherworlder, many more were summoned in the past" monologued Ignosi, casting another one of those ball except this one was mettalic and casted metal spikes.

"It was a bad move on the will's behalf but I guess it simply doesn't care about a human knowing about it all" he continued walking around without caring about Luc that was running around for his dear life.

"After all, the world is supposed to be in this state because the will lost strength and yet it summoned an otherworlder? Seems suspicious especially when it grants said human a powerful fate, preventing him from dying like the wretch he is" he followed, spouting a few venomous words at the end like he tends to do.

"However, it must have forgotten my name, as I the Ever-Seeking does not let myself killed by fate, when the will does something in the world that we roam, it loses much of its divine attribute and becomes graspable for anyone with the necessary skill to" the monoloque never seemed to end.

"So obviously, the will is not as weakened as it claims to be if it even is, the corruption of the world is purely natural and it only wants a consort to extend its own life or something like that, I am theorising, it doesn't matter really, all that I know is that if the will can't solve the issues the world is facing then these issues are not issues" he concluded as he tapped his staff multiple times summoning many other mana spheres of varying elements.

"Come on man, I just want to go back home" pleaded Luc but his calls fell on deaf ears.

"I will not apologize, I despise you and your death is needed as you are an agent of the will, so stop moving, I am not willing to expend that much mana to kill a rat" he said before lightly swinging his staff as mana arcs shot out, cutting through the air, Luc was quite good at staying alive but that was all he could do his own magic had been sealed at an unknown time and he certainly couldn't easily approach Ignosi.

"Also the will can not directly interact or for derisory results, so don't have hope of help coming your way" uttered The Ever-Seeking as he continued casting arcs at Luc who was starting to receive cut after cut.

From within the depth of Luc's mind, he kept screaming to himself to do something, to survive, to fight, to stand victorious but every time he thought of rushing down the accursed mage, he got scared for his life, fearful for his life and resorted to dodging the onslaught.

Unable to convince himself to do it, he came to realise that he would die here.

He came to remember things he had pushed to the back of his mind, his family, his friends, his past life altogether, he clenched his fist, he felt the motivation setting into him but when facing The Ever-Seeking he still found himself in doubt.

Still incapable of stepping forward, dread had set in his heart and nothing seemed able to embolden him to fight back.

He felt a warm embrace around his body as if he was a child in the embrace of a mother, he heard the strange voice of the will, whispering words into his ears, for a moment it felt like time had stopped and he felt strengthen, not only mentally but also physically.

He stepped forward, avoid the numerous elemental spikes coming his way, barely avoiding one arc and being grazed by one, drawing blood but he kept on advancing toward the mage, the last obstacle before he would be able to go home, the pristine white mask with green lines on it stayed unchanging, the more he advanced, the more injury he sustained, carried by the idea that if he were to reach his foe, he would win.

And as he drew closer to the mage, ready to bring him down, Ignosi stayed unmoving letting a sigh and suddenly everything was shattered, Luc felt himself transported, he was teleported back to his original position, still wounded and exhausted, the young champion collapsed at the same time as his hope.

"How pathetic, really? You would actually interact directly in hope of him being able to defeat me? I am putting on a show for you since it's the last you'll see, without your protection he is as susceptible to me as any other human" spoke Ignosi in a disappointed tone.

Ignosi taped his staff on the ground and Luc erupted into light blue flames as well as a dark flame burning both his body into nothingness as well as his soul.

"Ever-Seeking! You dare defy me?!" questionned the will, its voice having noticeable anger in it.

"Yes" he simply responded.

"Also, you're done, only a champion can become consort and no willing champion remain, you can try to summon more of your otherworlders but they'll die all the same" he commented as he started walking away.

"Are you really willing to let the world rot away?!" once again questionned the voice.

"Yeah, it's a natural cycle, keeping it from going is utter foolishness, only a fool would think of doing that, so good bye, I wish a nice end of life" he said, exiting the temple, the will furious screams fading into the distance.

"Hey you" he said to the last champion beside him.

"Yes?" she spoke in a mousy tone, not fitting with her gargantuan appearance and armor made of pure stone or her mask depicting a horrible creature.

"You follow me around for a reason, yes?" he asked.

"Well yes, of course" she said, looking away.

"Then follow me, I'll give you what you want" he said as he led the way.

"W-What do you mean by that?" she asked incredously.

"You know what I mean" he simply responded.

As such, because of The Ever-Seeking decisions, the world as it was known died and let place to a new world with a new will, this type of tale were rare among worlds with such cycles as the mortal of these worlds let themselves control by fear and kept on sustaining a husk of a world in fear that it will be the end of all that is.

However, Ignosi wasn't one to care about that as he was an inhabitant of a world and as such whished the best for it, no matter what was necessary for its well-being.