Chapter 3 – My First Pokemon Trainer Battle.

I woke up at about 7 am. The moment I woke up and seeing my sleeping bag a long with the unfamiliar scenery, I fell into a blank for a while before remembering that I had already start my journey. I wash my face and brush my teeth before taking my breakfast at the nearby café.

Today I decided to cross the Viridian Forest. So I took away all my stuff from the poke centre locker. It's quite heavy but I don't have any choice but to carry it. Even if my system bag is infinite, but it can only keep system related item. For example, there are selling pokeball in the poke mart but if I buy it normally, I won't be able to keep it in the GBA bag. I can only keep it there if I buy it using my game avatar.

I guess I'm lucky that the camping technology here is quite advance, maybe because a lot of inspiring pokemon trainers go on a journey as early as 10 years old. So the tent here is very strong and light, the food ration for human and pokemon are also compact and taste good. But I guess I'm going to catch some pokemon suitable as mount someday. It could help me greatly in my journey.

After completing my preparation, I head north toward Varidian Forest. If possible I don't want to stay too long here because it's the headquarters of team rocket. Even if in the game there are no event happen here, I can't be so sure since this is a real world and no longer a game.

After coming out from the north exit, I go through the main path between the small forest and after about an hour I arrive at the Viridian Forest. The forest here is very different than my previous levelling place. The tree is so big and tall; the forest is very dark even in the daytime because the sunlight can barely pass the thick foliage. It's no wonder that this forest is one of the most renown forest in kanto region.

I can see many type of bug pokemon caterpie, weedle, butterfree and beedrill. I won't challenge advance one like butterfree and beedrill because I know that my level is still too low for it. But I don't need to worry since my GBA device can guarantee that they won't attack me unless I provoke it. But seeing them remind me if maybe I can provoke metapod and kakuna since everyone know that they are free exp since they don't move. Based on the guide I can only fight pokemon with level up to 6 here, but if I provoke them myself I maybe could hunt pokemon up to level 15. I guess I'll just hunt normally first unFtil my pokemon all reach level 10.

Based on the walkthrough this forest is the first place that we will have pokemon trainer battle. The battle system here is very different than the game version. There are 3 type of battle for trainers. The first the most common type of battle blind duel or in short duel. In this match both side will choose the maximum of 6 pokemon. Then they will pick one pokemon and withdraw it at the same time. The pokemon will fight until one of them fainted or give up. The lost side cannot use that pokemon anymore in this match while the winning side can choose whether to still use that pokemon or recall it. The winning pokemon can still be use. Than they will choose the next pokemon and continue until one side pokemon either all fainted or give up.

Unlike in the game, we are not allowed to switch pokemon in the middle of the fight. This is related to a funny story. Long ago there are two people having a match. But the keep trying for attribute supremacy that they keep changing pokemon. That story went viral to the point that a lot of people criticise them. Then the rule forbidding switching pokemon other than using pokemon skill is implemented.

The second type of battle is called Rumble. Its means that the trainers will use six pokemon as a team to fight against other team. The fight will continue until all the opposing team is out of the game. This game is not only limited to six pokemon since this is the most favourite match for gang fight. For example, a group of trainer will fight against another group of trainer. Since each trainer have multiple pokemon, the scene will be just like a war and there's not much rule for this match.

The third is knock out. In this game the six pokemon of a trainer will be match up against the opponent six pokemon in a one on one match whether randomly on not. The trainer with the most win will be the winner. If the match ended in a draw for example each trainer win three among the six match, the winning pokemon will again be match against the opponent to decide the winner. For random match each trainer will not know their opponent pokemon and for the other type both trainer will show their pokemon to their opponent and they will decide the match up under the agreement of both side. This is the most frequent mode for formal tournament.

First there's an antidote hidden near the entrance, I got my avatar to pick it. Then I pick a potion and head straight to the pokemon trainers. I sometimes find other trainers here but since the GBA device didn't react and they don't appear in it so they may be higher level. Then I found a kid that have an avatar in the GBA so I get in front of him but nothing happens but there is caution mark above his avatar. I guess I need to challenge him manually.'

''Áre you a pokemon trainer, why don't we battle"

This is just a training match so there's no money bet, actually most pokemon battle does not have any bet unlike in the game. Only on tournament and gym battle can you get money after winning. There are also fight that start with a bet but it mostly those with personal grudge.

The match start in duel format but I choose an eevee. The weakest one I got is level 7 and the opponent is a level 5 caterpie. My eevee is faster than the caterpie and higher level so it's easier to dodge but the trickier thing is to avoid string shot. My eevee had been hit by it once and it almost been hit by the next tackle. I realise that I can actually command my pokemon in my mind but I still shout out instruction to stay out of trouble.

I use different pokemon for each match and manage to get all win. He also has six pokemon instead of what mention in the guide. I realise that most trainer always bring more than six pokemon at a time so most match consists of 6 VS 6 battle except for those who focus on small number of pokemon and avoid using other pokemon. After winning I realise that my avatar had gain some money. The money receive in the game is the same as real money so I'm relief that I can gain some income so I don't need to get some part time job when I get to the city since I don't want to ask money from home.

I realise that pokemon trainer is a very expensive job. Just look at the price of a Pokeball and it's one of the most basic item for pokemon trainer. Compare to that my travelling expenses is negligible I'm thankful that normal pokemon food is price normally. But it can't increase my pokemon stat, that one is very expensive since it made with precious berry and other ingredient. Normal trainer will usually take part time job in the city, there are a lot of job posted at the job screen in the Poke Centre. You can just imagine it like the request board commonly found in adventurer guild at common isekai story.

The trainer pokemon usually is far stronger than normal citizen pokemon. Normal pokemon reach adulthood at level 10-12. At that level they can already learn skill that useful enough to help their master with normal work. So people usually stop actively train their pokemon at that time. Most of their pokemon don't even reach level 20 all their live. But for professional pokemon trainer, their pokemon average level is about 30. So they can complete harder job and gain more money. But they are trainer with more than 5 year of experience. Most rookie trainer start training their pokemon at 10 year old and most of them give up in less than 5 year because of lacking talent or money.

After winning I proceed while defeating wild pokemon and battling a few more trainer. I realise that the other trainer is actually more than mention in the guide and their pokemon is different. I can understand it that this is the real world and the people here move independently, sometime there are more people and sometime there are less. The GBA device will caution me of every trainer with suitable level.

The forest had gotten dark, I look at my watch and found that it's almost 6 pm. I at my lunch by eating ration that look like caloriemate at noon while walking. But it time to start preparing to camp. I search for suitable camping place from the map. It's nearby so I quickly so I prepare for camping and cook instant noodle for dinner. It's still too early to sleep, even if I walk all day I'm not very tired since I walk slowly and I take a rest every time I encounter wild pokemon. My pokemon already have enough experience to fight by themselves without my instruction.

My Espeon have reach level 12 and learn the skill Quick Attack. My other Eevee have also reach level 10. I also learn that the pokemon PP (number of time a skill can be use) are like stamina and it can recover with rest. And since we have the advantage of level my pokemon is not injured much. Their HP can also recover very slowly. The recovery rate increase if they rest in the pokeball.

I took my torchlight and go into the forest. I plan to try my idea this morning, to manually search for metapod and kakuna. These kind of pokemon is usually left alone by other trainer since their aim is to sharpen their combat sense, what do they need it for since they don't move. I found a metapod and my GBA device did not react so I send my espeon to attack. Then my GBA show me Its detail, level 12 metapod. After hitting it for a while I manage to defeat it and I gain a lot of exp. Since this method work I get into a hunting spree. I usually use espeon and only use other eevee when my espeon is tired.

For your information, when wild pokemon is defeated they will faint and it's a good manner to move it away from the road. Since it safe for the pokemon since there are no predator for them here. At about 11 pm I go back to the camping site and prepare to sleep. I took out all my pokemon since they are so fluffy and sleep with them. Before that I instruct them to take turn for night watch. I don't need to worry since they are so obedient.