Chapter 5 Pewter City ‘A Stone Gray City’

I have arrived at Pewter City the city of mountain and rock. As a pokemon trainer, the first thing I can think of about this city is the Pokemon Gym. But sadly I can't challenge right now. In the game we need to win the gym first before we can proceed with the story but sadly it not like that in the real world. Gym master is publicly known as the last hurdle to the Pokemon League. Don't you think it's weird for a rookie with level 10 pokemon to win against this kind of great people. Gym Master is known as among the top tier of pokemon trainer second only to the Elite Four. Most of them is actually the frequent challenger of Pokemon League before becoming a Gym Leader.

Other than that HM and TM don't exist here. For TM trainer can actually teach any kind of move as long as it compatible with their pokemon. But they need to spend a lot of time and effort for it. There no shortcut for it. Luckily for me since I can actually get TM as long as I can find them using the GBA device. I actually already found one. For HM it actually more obvious, where can you find winged pokemon that can't already fly, it actually common sense that water pokemon can swim, pokemon with sharp claw can cut, strong pokemon can move boulders and electric pokemon can shine. So there's no need for HM. It actually weirder in the game since a small pidgey can carry human to fly and a small psyduck can carry human across the sea.

That why I plan on catching a suitable pokemon in the future to act as a mount since not many pokemon is actually suitable as mount. For land mount, the most suitable is dodrio, Taurus and rapidash. For sea mount it usually lapras and gyarados. For flying mount the best is charizard and dragonite. Bird pokemon like pidgeot can barely act as a flying mount but it can only fly a human for a very short time because of its small size.

The other attraction of Pewter City is the Museum. Inside it is written the history of the Kanto Region, the fossil of Extinct pokemon and a lot more interesting thing. But I'm going to leave it to tomorrow. Today I'm going for a nice meal and then shopping for necessary item. I need to stock up some food since I've already finish most of it in the Varidian Forest.

After eating my fill, I go the Poke Center to borrow a locker and store my luggage. Then I manipulate my avatar to heal my pokemon. After that I use my avatar at the PC and I saw my Pikachu been store at Bill PC. Actually the Pikachu is still with me but since in the game the extra pokemon is stored there so it mentions it. If I want the Pikachu to enjoy the benefit of the GBA device, I need to withdraw the pokemon from bill PC.

Actually in this world Bill Pc did not exist but there are Bill Transfer Device. There is no magical space that can outomatically transport the pokemon that caught in the forest into some unknown space. Bill transper device can be found in every poke centre and it can transfer the pokemon we have to another poke centre with very expensive price. Usually if the pokemon trainers have too many pokemon on them they can call their home to wait at the nearest poke centre and send the excess pokemon using the transfer device. Then that pokemon can be raise at home and there no need to bring it on their journey.

I deposit four of my eevee and withdraw Pikachu. This way I can have three more empty space so that when I caught some new pokemon I can see it detail in the GBA device. I also don't want my eevee to accidently level up to 16 and I lost the opportunity to learn their attribute skill. I keep one eevee because I can get moon stone in the near future. Seems like my Pikachu is a female one but it doesn't really matter.

Then I decided to visit the Pewter Town gym for a tour. In this world the role of a gym is not just as a qualifier for the pokemon league. The most important role of the gym is to learn skill. We can pay the instructor here to learn skill related to the gym attribute. In Pewter Town they teach you rock type of move. You can also ask for a mock battle with the gym disciple. Other than that it also functions as a normal gym to exercise a trainer fitness like in my previous world and teach martial art. It has already been proven here that a trainer stamina is very important for pokemon battle. Sometime pokemon battle for trainer with similar level will be drag on for quite a long time so a trainer's fatigue can influence their decision making process. The trainer own battle sense is also important in giving the right order in pokemon battle. That's why all the famous trainer is either good in martial art or an academic genius. But sadly the gym closed. There are notice in front of the gym that the gym master and the instructor is having a training camp at Mt. Moon.

Since I can't go the gym I decided to visit the Pewter Town Museum. After paying the fee I go the first section of the museum at first didn't think much of the museum but it proven to be quite interesting. In the first section it tells about the legend of Kanto Region. There is fairy-tale about the three divine protector of Kanto Region The divine bird of fire Moltres, the divine bird of ice Articuno and the divine bird of Thunder Zapdos. Based on the legend it was said that these three divine bird will be awaken when the continent is in danger. There is also the legend about the pokemon of origin Mew the pokemon that is said to be able to use all pokemon skill. There is an amber fossil with a hint of red inside it that is said to be Mew blood.

On the second floor of the museum is the section dedicated to fossil that is found at Mt. Moon and the ancient pokemon fossil that is found in Kanto Region. There are skeleton of Aerodactyl found on Cinnabar Island and the shell fossil of Kabuto and Omanyte found in Mt Moon. They also have the moon stone that I want here but sadly it's not possible for me to take it but it doesn't matter since I can get it at Mt Moon. Even if I can't find the real one I belief that I can still get it using the GBA function. It's already quite late when I walk out of the museum so I get my early dinner and head to the poke centre to sleep. I'm going to continue my journey tomorrow.