Chapter 7 Foiling the Rocket Plan

Then it happens, before I realise it a large number of people suddenly appeared wearing the familiar team rocket attire with mask. Then they start fighting with the archaeologist guard, some of the trainers nearby realise what happens and join in the fight but they are vastly outnumbered and as for me, I hide myself in the corner and keep watching. It's not that I don't want to join but it just useless the only result I can get is increasing the casualty by one. The fight ended after about half an hour, the team rocket acted like a bandit and they took all the fossil that the scientist manages to excavate. They also capture the rare pokemon belonging to the trainers. I have already seen enough, there's no way that I'm going to let them do as they please here. I open the GBA device and choose load and my vision goes white.

The moment I open my eye; I saw myself in a different place. I tried to recall myself and realise that this is the time when I just caught Clefairy. There's no way I can do anything the help in that situation just by myself so the answer that I end up coming with is to find someone that can. The best person that I can think of is the Gym Leader of Pewter City Brock.

But I can't just barge to him right away. This place is not very far from the place they train and it's not that long since I last saw them. I'm not sure if he recognise me when I just pass by before, but I don't want to take the risk. I still have time, if I brought him too early and Team Rocket cancel their plan when they saw him, I might offend him if he thinks that I trick him. The best choice is to bring him there when Team Rocket just start the plan. First I get away from this place and wait for the best time, even if I make a mistake I can still load.

"It's time I hope my acting could pass" I start running toward the Gym member.

I run at full speed toward the location and stop in front of Mr Brock.

"ha ha Mr Brock there's emergency" I said it while panting

"calm down, explain it properly"

"I saw Team Rocket member near the fossil excavation site"

"are you sure it's them"

"I'm not 100% sure but a few days ago in the Varidian Forest I saw him robing a trainers pokemon. I saw him secretly watching the excavation site. He wore a loose rob but I'm quite sure its him"

"if it's true it might be a serious matter but why are they doing here?"

"I'm just guessing but I think they are targeting the extinct pokemon fossil, did you know the Pewter City Museum have been robbed a few days ago."

"everyone follows me; we need to go to the excavation site quickly"

"go first I need to rest a little"

As expected of the Gym leader Brock he decides decisively. Everyone follow him not only his gym member but even all the nearby trainer. With that much people I don't think they have any problem handling the Team Rocket.

I also move to the site. From afar I can see the battle going on, it seems my timing is impeccable. I still don't join the fight, it's still too early for me to enter team rocket radar. Mr Brock is fighting against Team Rocket Executive, it's a fight between Onix and Arbok. Onix I a lot bigger than Arbok but arbok is faster and it also got some help from Golbat. With Golbat harassing it from the air Onix cannot focus entirely on Arbok. When the Team Rocket Executive saw that the situation worsens, he signals for retreat.

After Team Rocket gone I walk into the centre of the site where the archaeologist is at. The main reason is that is the location of the fossil in my GBA device. The prompt to choose fossil appeared. I have been given a choice of two fossils. The first one on the left is a Dome Fossil. This will become a Kabutops which is rather cool and has good attack, and the second one it the Helix Fossil which later becomes Omastar, a Pokemon specializing in Special Attack and Defence. Omastar is much more useful in battles so I choose Helix Fossil.

Mr Brock also came here since the leader of this site is here. It doesn't seem that there are many injuries. There are some pokemon that belong to the defending trainers that had fainted but they had been recall on time. It seems that Mr Brock arrive not long after the beginning of the fight.

"Mr Brock thank you for your help, if you didn't come on time I don't know what will happen to us." [archaeologist leader]

"if you want to thank someone you should thank him first, if not that he told me about the Team Rocket hiding here I wouldn't know about it." [Brock]

"there's no need to, even if I know about them I can't do anything about them, luckily I saw Mr Brock before not far from here that's why I ran back to inform you"

"it's ok, Team Rocket had done a lot of crime in this region, they are enemy of all us trainer here. It's our duty to stop their evil plan. Now that I think about it I still don't know your name." [brock]

"ah sorry about that, the situation is quite dire just now that it just slipped my mind. I'm Fay from Pallet Town, I'm just a rookie trainer so I'm just an unknown person right now."

"thank you for your help Mr Fay, Mr Brock thanks to your help we manage to protect all this fossil and this place. If team rocket manages to get this place they might just destroy this place to get all the Fossil, but with this place preserve we might learn more about ancient pokemon. I wish to reward you with something, if there something you want just tell me if I can get it." [archaeologist leader]

"Can I have one fossil, I'm very interested on ancient pokemon especially Kabuto."

"I really shouldn't give away such precious Fossil but without your help we would have lost all of them so I don't mind giving you one." [archaeologist leader]

"Then I also want one give me the Dome Fossil. Both kabuto and Omanyte is rock type pokemon but I already have Helix Fossil" [brock]

"Sure you can choose one, we manage to find a bit more of Dome Fossil compare with Helix Fossil so I don't think there are much problem with it. Actually I got some information that the research about fossil resurrection had already reach the final phase. In the near future it might be possible for this ancient pokemon to be revive." [archaeologist leader]

With this I got both the fossil here, it just that the Dome Fossil I got through the real world and I cannot use the GBA system to revive it. Base on my understanding, it might need a lot of money to revive it. Well but I just need to leave it to the future me, I might not need to revive it since I'm not really interested in raising it.

"Really than tell me when it's ready, I never have Kabuto and Omanyte before, I wonder how strong it is, I'm going to train both of them." [brock]

"I think that is the reason Team Rocket tried to steal the Fossil since it possible to revive them. That is also the reason they rob the museum."

"I think your right, then I'll take the responsibility to guard this place until you finish excavating. You need to stricken the security of the Fossil after you finish." [Brock]

"Thank you Mr Brock, we really appreciate your help, I will contact the headquarters for the safe storage of the Fossil, we also need to protect other Fossil from Team Rocket." [archaeologist leader]

I stay the night at the excavation site campground and depart early the next morning. In the afternoon I arrive at the stairs going up, not long after that I arrive at the exit of the cave. The sun is shining brightly here. I pick up a TM 05 Roar not far from there and continue toward Cerulean City.