Chapter 9 Nugget Bridge Tournament.

Early the next morning I wake up, I go the bath house and then have a simple breakfast at a small stall. The tournament starts at 09.00 am so I still have time to spare. When I arrive at the Nugget Bridge there's already a lot of people here, I found Aria after searching for a bit.

"Fay here, I'm glad that I can find you"

"Oh Aria you're early"

"I just got here."

"There are a lot of stall here."

"Yeah every year the Nugget Bridge Tournament is just like a festival, so they sold many things like food, drink and souvenir. This is the perfect chance to make money."

"I see, after all there are a lot of spectator here."

"You can see the tournament from both side of the bridge, it will be display at the huge screen there."

"What is the rule of the tournament?"

"The tournament will receive up to 32 participants, each person can only bring a maximum of six pokemon. They will draw number and 2 participants will be release at the start of the bridge. After reaching the first checkpoint they will release 1 pokemon and battle, the winner will proceed to the next checkpoint and the loser will be eliminated. After that 2 new people will be release. At the next checkpoint the player can challenge anyone at the same level and the winner will proceed to the next level. The one being challenge can refuse up to 3 time and the challenger cannot choose the one that refuse."

"So that mean if the one challenging is very strong he can refuse the challenge?"

"Yes, but if you already refuse twice the third challenger cannot be rejected, so you need to choose carefully who you want to fight. You need to win against 1 player to proceed to the next checkpoint, the winner will be the one that reach the other side of the bridge and of course you can't refuse the challenge at the final checkpoint."

"But didn't it tiring if you need to fight continuously like that."

"Not really, you can bring 6 pokemon with you and each match only need 1 pokemon, so people usually use different pokemon with each match. Even if you reach the final, you only need 5 pokemon. You can also request for 10-minute rest at each checkpoint."

"So I guess the key point of winning is to predict you opponent pokemon."

"Yes, you need to draw you pokemon at the same time so if you can guess the opponent pokemon, you have the higher chance to win."

"Then the trainer that focus on just one attribute of pokemon is in a huge disadvantage."

"Yeah, unless the trainer has overwhelming difference in skill level, that is usually the case."

"What is that booth, it's the biggest stall compare to the other?"

"That is the betting stall. You can bet on the winner of the tournament if you win the bet you might strike it rich."

"All 32 participant name is already here? They also have different rate of return. Your rate is very high; I can get 7 time the return if you win."

"Of course, the registration of participant has already done yesterday, the information gathering of this betting booth is very good so they can somehow analyse the winning rate accurately. Don't you dare bet on me, this rate means that my chance to win is too slim. This is after all my first time joining."

"Who is the organizer of this booth?"

"I don't know, I heard that their background is very mysterious."

When I heard about mysterious background it reminds me of Team Rocket. Now that I think about it in the guide Team Rocket appear at Nugget Bridge and try to recruit the player, is it possible that Team Rocket also involve here. Team Rocket also manage the game centre so this kind of gambling business is just up their alley. Their information gathering abilities is also superior. The more I think about it the more it sounds possible.

"What are you thinking of, you suddenly went quiet?"

"I'm just thinking of if I want to make a bet a little."

"I also think of making a bet."

"Who do you think will win?"

"The favourite candidate to win is Mr Kent, he is a veteran trainer and have been popular for a while now. Miss Annie is also a strong contender. I'm going to bet on her."

The rate of return also shows that those two are the favourite to win, even if I bet on them I can only win a little. If this stall really is operated by Team Rocket I'm not satisfied if I can't scam them of their money. But I suddenly think of something and I save my game. For now, I just bet on Mr Kent a little.

"It's time for me to go to the participant area, you should choose a spectating place, the tournament is going to start soon."

"Yes see you soon."

I headed to the other side of the bridge the one closer to the hill. The tournament starts as 09.00 am, after some speech from the organizer the match start, I saw a lot of pokemon in the tournament and the all have pretty good skill. Aria narrowly lost in the second round, she keeps a good fight as a first time participant. As expected both Mr kent and Miss Annie reach the semifinal, the other two is a rising trainer name John and an unknown trainer name Geovi. As the two contender for final of course Mr kent and Miss Annie didn't choose each other so Mr kent VS John and Miss Annie VS Geovi.

John use Blastoise while Mr Kent is using Magmar, Mr Kent lost in attribute but with his skill he manages to fight equally and after a while win the battle. While the other fight is between two water pokemon, miss Annie use Dewgong and Geovi use Gyarados. The is unexpectedly won by the dark horse Geovi since the Gyarados is very strong.

Then the final is between Kent and Geovie. In the final Kent is using Electabuzz while Geovi is using Nidoking. The fight really expends my horizon with their tactic and experience. The kept exchanging blow and the fight is very close until Nidoking manage to knockout Electabuzz with a Megahorn. The Black Horse Geovi won the tournament, with the logic of this Betting House, an unexpected victory like this mean that the Betting organizer win the most money so I Choose Load.

In front of me is the Betting Stall, I see the chart here and saw that Geovi rate is 5.3. if I bet on him I can get more than five time the return. I call for Aria and go to the secluded area.

"I want to bet on Geovi."

"Who's that, I don't think I heard his name before."

"Just trust me, I saw his fight before and he's very strong. I also had very good luck in my hometown I'm call the god of gambling there, no one dare to bet against me. My instinct tells me that he's going to win."

"I guess I don't mind putting a bet on him a bit. If I win I treat you to dinner."

"OK don't forget, it's a promise."

I put all my money in there 2000G. This is the remaining from the 3000G that my father gives me before I left. Sadly, I can't use the money in my GBA Device since it just a digital currency and can only be used to buy item in game. There is more money in there but I can only look at it. Aria bet 1000G on Geovi. As expected she's rich otherwise she won't be that strong at such a young age base on my observation in the match just now her Pokemon must be more than level 30.

"It's time for me to go to the participant area, you should choose a spectating place, the tournament is going to start soon."

"Yes see you soon."

Now I wonder if I should still watch the tournament since I had already see it once. The I decided to grind level at the hill. I reach route 24 this place has some bug Pokemon and grass Pokemon. The best Pokemon here is Abra that will evolve into a very powerful Psychics type Pokemon but since I already have Espeon I guess I don't to train it. But I still want to catch it since it has teleport. But it also the reason they are so hard to catch but I have a secret weapon and it's Jigglypuff. I also want to train Jigglypuff a little so I use it with every encounter and beat the wild Pokemon. At last I found a wild level 10 Abra and use sing. My Jigglypuff is already level 14 and it learn Disable. I use disable and manage to seal its teleport.Then I use pound until it near death and manage to catch it in one try.

It's about time for the semifinal so I return to my seat, the match goes on as expected and Geovi win the tournament. After some more speech and the prize giving I go to the Betting House to cash in my winning. Aria already waiting there.

"I can't believe it that you really guess right."

"I guess you owe me dinner."

"Don't worry I'll treat you at my favorite restaurant tonight."

"I have already said that I'm called the Junior God of Gambling right, next time if we go to the Game Center or the race track just follow me I'll carry you."

"Then don't forget, if you eat meat let me drink the soup."

Getting carried away I brag myself to the sky. I got more than 10 000G, this is the most money I've ever had in my live. This much money can support me for more than one year. This is a good way to make money but if I go too far I might be hunted by Team Rocket so I need to hold myself back. But I think merely 10 000 is still safe.

Everything ended at 04.00 pm and we promise to meet at 06.00 pm for an early dinner.