Chapter 23 Diva of The Seven Sea.

After registering we each receive a tablet which record all the information about the Party. It also contains some brief information about the company. The food had already been serve in buffet style. We pick our food and choose a table, we eat before the event started since I am already hungry.

I open the event schedule, after the opening speech by the CEO Mr Sylph, we will have some performance from the currently most famous idol group invited by the company. Then they will gift award for the great invention by the researcher in the past year. After that they will have the stage performance by the best comedian group in Kanto. The company have prepared quiz for the attendee to participate with great prize from among the product of the company. Of course the main participant in this quiz is the normal employee and guests, the researcher cannot participate since if they join, no other people can win against those smart people.

The finale of the event is the announcement of the next key project of the company, all the department have sent their proposal for their next research and the CEO will choose one of them to be the key project. This chosen research will receive massive amount of fund that will surely accelerate the progress of the project. The basic information about all the project that participate in this selection is written in the tablet, all the key research mention by Professor Seo before is written in this section including The Soothe Bell project.

"Professor Seo, I hope your project will be chosen as the company key Project."

"No need to mention it, my research is just to fill in the vacancy since our department did not have any decent project. The most probably project to be chosen is the Master Ball Project Propose by Professor Black. In term of the commercial value and the most benefit it can give to the company that is the best choice."

"Don't give up so quickly, you never know what will happen."

The event started not long after we finish eating the CEO of the Silph Co. Mr Sylph is a very friendly old man and he did not give a very long speech. After that is the performance of the most popular idol group in Kanto the Afternoon Tea Time. I must say that the idol group is still very popular in this Pokemon World even if not as popular as my previous world.

Then it's the award ceremony for those scientist that have invent useful product for the Company for the past year. Next is the quiz show sponsored by the Silph Corporation but with my shallow knowledge I did not expect to win anything, of course it is another matter if I cheat. But I decided not to cheat if there are no important reason, I change my mind when I heard the prize for the first question.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will now start the next segment of our event tonight, the Silph Quiz Corner. Thanks to every department of Silph Corporation for sponsoring the prize for tonight quiz. The prize tonight is a variety of high tech product from Silph Corporation."

"The method of this quiz is very simple, each department of Silph Corporation that sponsored the prize will write a question for their prize. I will read the question and everyone can write the answer on your tablet that you all receive from the reception before you enter the event venue. The first person that write the correct answer will receive the prize."

"As a surprise for everyone, the first prize is sponsored directly by Mr Sylph and surprisingly the concept of the question is luck. Now I will introduce to you the prize prepared personally by Mr. Sylph. It is a Lapras that is crowned as the best Water Mount in Kanto and Johto by the Pokemon Planet, the bestselling pokemon magazine Kanto and Johto Region. This Lapras is not just a normal Lapras but it has been guaranteed as having superior talent by the Gym Master of Cerulean City Misty, The Princess of Flowing Water. As an expert on water pokemon, that is the best prove of this Lapras Capability."

"Now, the method for winning this valuable pokemon is very unique. As instructed by Mr Sylph everyone will write any 3-digit number in your tablet from 000 to 999. At the same time Mr Sylph will also write his 3-digit number and anyone who luckily write the same number as him will win. If more than one person chooses that number, then the first one that finish writing on their tablet will win. Mr Sylph wish that the one fated to be the master will receive this Lapras. Everyone can write their number now and in five minute we will announce the winner."

I didn't expect to find a Lapras in here, that is the pokemon that I want as my Water Mount. Unlike in the anime, Lapras is truly an almost extinct pokemon here. Nothing is known about it habitat and there is no breeder that manage to raise it, to find it depend solely on luck. I need to get it even if I must cheat. I save my game with the GBA Device.

"Now I will reveal the lucky number. The number that have been chosen by Mr Sylph is number 957. Sadly, no one among today guests have chosen this number so it seems that the Lapras is not fated to meet its owner tonight. We move on to the next question."

No one win? if it is so, I won't feel guilty for cheating. It seems this Lapras is fated to be mine. I choose to load and quickly enter the number 957 in my tablet.

"Now I will reveal the lucky number. The number that have been chosen by Mr Sylph is number 957. It seems we got our lucky guests, I invite Mr Fey to come to the stage to receive the prize. Congratulation for receiving the Diva of the Seven Sea."

There are three reason why Lapras is a very special Pokemon, the first one is their song which earn them the Title Diva. They emitted a very pleasant sound that like not only by human but also by other pokemon and marine life. When they sing a lot of fish gather so we don't have to worry about food when we travel in the sea. The second one is their comfort as a traveling transport. Lapras is different than other water pokemon in case that they don't like to dive into the sea and prefer to float on the sea. Their back shell is also design to let human sit on it comfortably. They also have the stamina to cruise on the sea for a long time and they also have the ability to determine the direction and the sea condition.

They are also known by their gentleness that they manage to learn healing skill easily. They can cure abnormal status with Mist and also possess the rare healing skill Life Dew which can heal injuries. They can also produce fresh water that save for consumption. All of this condition makes them the best pokemon to be use as a sea mount that can ensure the safety and well-being of their passenger. That's why Lapras can earn the title of The Diva of the Seven Sea.