Chapter 25 Team Rocket Grand Ambition.

The man that appeared is a tall, medium built, middle aged man. His face is hidden by a festival black mask that cover the top half of his face. He wears a long sleeved black shirt with a large V neck that shows off a white undershirt, black slightly baggy trousers, black hat with white stripe and black shoes. The most noticeable part is the R symbol on his left chest as the icon for Team Rocket.

"You say that pokemon is the friend of human. I don't agree with that. Pokemon is just a tool for me to gain absolute power. The only things that matters are strength, the weak will just be discarded and become the food for the strong."

"That's why the Master Ball is very important to me, with that I can get all the strongest pokemon in the world and with that I can get closer to achieving my ambition. I won't let you destroy it just like that."

"In this room gathered all of the brightest mind in this company, I wish to invite you to our secret lab in a deserted island to help in our research. With all of you our scientific progress will advance many time faster."

"There are also a lot of wealthy person as a guest in this celebration. We will humbly invite you as a guest to our secret hideout and you will be release after we got our ransom from your family. Don't worry, your donation can surely help in advancing our noble cause."

"If there are talented pokemon trainer among you, I personally invite you to our organization. I don't mind even if you are unwilling since we have a very good education policy. As long as you finish our special class I guarantee that you will become a perfect agent for Team Rocket that will rise and fall with us."

"For all the other, I guess we will send you to the underworld as painless as possible. Don't worry our Weezing and Arbok has been specially train for that purpose. Don't worry, we will take care of all your pokemon for you. The strong will be given to our combatant while the weak will be sold in the black market."

Base on all this option my position should be in the third of fourth categories. The guest in the hall is been sorted by the Team Rocket Grunt. There are some who resist but against the huge number of opponent it useless. Then I saw one of the grunt whispered something to the Team Rocket Leader while pointing to us and the Team Rocket Leader walk to us.

"I didn't expect to see so many VIP here. Professor Seo, I have heard a lot about you although I don't really like your current research and I will make sure you discard it after you join us, but I am very interested in pokemon strengthening accessory. Don't worry we will supply you with all the treasure you will need. You will contribute greatly to strengthening our combat force."

"Miss Aria, I belief your mother will gladly become our sponsor when he heard of how good we treat you and you Fey from Pallet town. Based on our investigation you are just an average with not much hope as a trainer, but you suddenly appear with a lot of rare pokemon and from what my subordinate tells me your pokemon is extraordinarily resilient and they can all healed up in battle. I wonder which one is the special one, your pokemon of you yourself that awaken a strange ability. I'm sure that you will spill all your secret after our education process."

"No matter what method you use I will never join you. It's better for you to kill me. I will never invent something for you no matter how much you offer." Prof. Seo

"Don't worry about that, we have our own way to make you agree at that time your will no longer matter."

"You mean your brainwashing machine."

"You know more thing than I expected Fey. That's right we have already complete the brainwashing machine. With just three days of using it we can guarantee that you will be our most loyal supporter. There is some small side effect but you don't have to worry about it."

"All this time I still don't understand what it is you are trying to do. What is the aim of Team Rocket?"

"Since you are going to be my subordinate in the future, I will satisfy your curiosity. They also need more time to collect all the important data in the company. You will learn it in your special class but I will make an exception and tell you this. Our goal is world domination. The strongest strength in this world is pokemon, so we will collect all the strongest pokemon in this world and conquered the world."

"Do you think the World Government will let you do as your please? If they unite to get rid of you there's no way you can manage to survive."

"You might not know about this but the world government is not as united as you think. All region in the world is basically work independently. They will rarely interfere with each other. All the other region also has their own criminal organization so they have their hands full with their own problem than to interfere with us."

"Even if you can succeed, what will you do with the Legendary Pokemon, they are the protector of the Region. I know that the legend are real. There's no way you can stand against the power of the Legendary Pokemon."

"We have already studied about that. They will basically not interfere with conflict among human as long as we did not bring great harm to nature. Even if they come we still have our trump card. The Legendary Pokemon is not invincible, if the Master Ball is complete we might be able to catch them and use their power ourselves."

"How did you manage to take over the whole building, I'm sure the Silph Co. main building security should be very strict?"

"For this special celebration, the company will need a lot of people for the staff so they will need to hire waiter and additional security personal. So we just need to replace them with our own people to infiltrate this building. Then our people that in charge of security will use the excuse of patrolling to go to every floor and knock out all the staff in other floor."

"How do you make sure that the guest will not call for help?"

"We make our move carefully to make sure no one notice our movement. As soon as we manage to take over all the other floor, we activate out Jamming device, so no one can contact the outside world. Since the start of the CEO speech to award the best project, we have already finish our preparation and start the jamming. This will buy us some time and by the time other people outside realize something wrong with this building, we will already finish and left this place."

"That mean you still haven't finish taking over this place during the quiz section of the party? At that time, you still haven't start jamming the signal and we can contact outside?"

"Yes, we can't start jamming the signal before we finish taking over the whole place. If someone notice something wrong before that, we will have some trouble. But now is already too late. You can't do anything anymore."

"That is not necessarily true. It is possible that there is something I can do to change the situation."

I have already know everything I need to know. With that, I press the load button.