Her Packrat's Social Syndrome

Initially, she thought that she would have to wait for a while before receiving any news.

Unexpectedly, in less than half a day, a secret guard came back to report that they had found the person.

Yun Ran and Bai Wan were stunned. "So soon?"

This speed was beyond everyone's expectations.

However, what surprised Yun Ran and the others even more was that the second uncle in the portrait was actually the Sea Dragon King of Hundred Rivers Enterprise.

After all, they had excluded him from the beginning.

"But doesn't the Sea Dragon King have a sister?"

The secret guards also expressed that they didn't know about this.

"A few people on the sea boat of the Hundred Rivers Enterprise recognized him. The Little General Bai Qi of the Bai family in this portrait looks identical to their boss, the Sea Dragon King. They were even curious why we were looking for the Sea Dragon King."