Popular New Song

Li Ya was so nervous that she almost typed the wrong word. After she sent the message, Lu Zhen did not reply immediately. She thought for a moment and added nervously—

"It's fine if you don't like it…" Before she could finish typing, Lu Zhen replied, "I like it very much. I've already found an audio download on the Internet. I want to use this song as my ringtone… Wait, that seems too high-profile. Then I'll listen to it a few times a day before bed. Li Ya, thank you for writing such a wonderful song for me. I feel very happy."

Li Ya covered her mouth and almost cried.

She said she liked it!

Li Ya felt a strong sense of satisfaction and happiness. The fatigue she had been training for the entire day instantly disappeared, and she was filled with strength.

Lu Zhen encouraged Li Ya to persevere in the training camp. The two of them chatted for a while. Seeing that it was already a little late, Li Ya hurriedly asked Lu Zhen to rest.