
However, what shocked the director was that Lu Zhen was simply like a perfect acting robot. No matter how happy and brilliant she was a second ago, she could instantly get into character in the next second. The change in her gaze was even smoother than cutting butter.

When Lu Zhen was filming, more and more actors ran over to watch. Everyone was an actor. It was obvious at a glance who was acting well and who was not.

Everyone could feel that Lu Zhen's acting skills had really entered a new realm.


The night before she was going to the Tucker Desert for filming, Xiaoxiao carefully checked the things she wanted to bring. The desert climate was dry, so they definitely had to bring more moisturizing cosmetics and sunscreen.

Lu Zhen watched as Xiaoxiao busily stuffed various bottles into her bag and couldn't help but say, "You don't have to bring so many. I don't think I'll need them. I'm going to film, not travel."