Lucas' POV

"Thanks man", I thanked Rico.

"No problem", he smiled at me.

I got down and stood at the walkway till he drove off. I walked up the path way. I looked round the neighborhood it was quiet, too quiet for me. But it was to be expected, after all it was one of the high end estates in the neighborhood. Residency here, came along with dad's promotion package.

"I'm home!", I yelled as I locked the door.

"Oh welcome honey", mom greeted me as she reached out to hug me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"How was your day?", she asked me as she reached for my bag I tiredly let her have it.

I had tried to stop her from taking my bag whenever I got home from school but she had refused. So I just let her do whatever she wanted.

"It was okay", I replied.

"Really?", she asked and headed towards the living room.

"Yeah", I replied and followed after her.

"Made any new friends?"

"Sort of", I replied as I thought of Ryder and the gang.

She immediately beamed and said, "That's good"

"Where's dad? He's not home yet?"

"No. Why don't you go upstairs and wash up dinner will be ready soon"

"Ok", I responded and walked up the stairs.

I reached my room and opened the door. I walked in. The room looked nothing like my old room because I hadn't had time to decorate, I'd probably do that in the weekend. I opened my window and peered out. The view was actually quite nice. I looked downward and there was a white car parked in front of the house next door that wasn't there before. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away to take a bath.

Tiana's POV

"Your dad is here...."

Those words rang in my head for a long time before I finally processed it. I immediately let the curtain go and ran out of my room downstairs. In the living room, I jumped straight into the arms of the man who had just walked into the house, squealing, "Daddy"

Dad didn't live with us. He had a wife and children. I was a bastard child, though I was his first child because he didn't marry my mom. He lived outside the country with his wife and 3 kids, all boys. No one really knew this about me except; Grace, Steph and Sky. Everyone else at school just thought I didn't live with my dad because he was managing one of my family's subsidiaries abroad. Although it was partly true. Dad did indeed manage one of our family's subsidiaries abroad and only flew in from time to time. My relationship with dad wasn't all that perfect or good. He wasn't exactly the best dad. In fact he had a lot of flaws but the fact that he was never around; the longing I had for the presence of a father overshadowed all else, I guess. Which was why I almost never held a candle to him whenever he did something wrong. After hugging for a while, I finally pulled away. As we went and sat on the couch, I still held on tightly to him. It had been so long since I last saw him. My mom sat calmly on the couch sipping her tea. She didn't bother about the fact that I had just ran down the stairs.

"When did you get back into the country?", I asked dad.

"Just last week", he replied.

"And I had some business to do in town, so I thought I'd just drop by and see you", he explained. I smiled.

"Do you want to go out? Grab something to eat?", he asked me.

"Right now?", I beamed at him.

"Of course. I'll get you anything you want. To apologize, it's been so long since I last came to see you", he replied with a smile.

I looked at mom, she turned away. I guess that's an ok. I squealed and ran upstairs to get ready. When I was done, I walked down the stairs and bid mom bye.

"Bring something back for me", she hollered after me.

"Sure", I replied. I got into the car and dad drove out of the driveway. As we drove, I saw a boy come out of the house next door and walk towards the trashcan.

'Huh? Isn't the house next door empty? Or did someone move in already?', I thought to myself.

"So where do you want to go?", dad asked me.

I didn't have an appetite for anything really I just wanted to get out of the house. I thought about it for a while before replying,

"Pizza Parlor"


As we drove we listened to music and I was happy.

We soon arrived and we walked into the eatery.

"So what type of Pizza do you want?", dad asked me.

"Hmmm how about chicken pizza, extra large?"

"Alright", dad said and relayed my order to the waitress.

"Do you want anything to drink while you wait?", the waitress asked us.

"Yes we'll have two glasses of apple juice please", I said.

"Ok please wait a while", she said and left us.

I smiled at dad genuinely happy. While waited, I snapped a couple of pictures then took a couple of selfies with dad. After choosing the best pictures, I uploaded them on my Instagram with the caption,

Night out with the love of my life😉😍. #daddysgirl

Almost instantly there were tons of likes and comments, which wasn't surprising. Having over 500k followers and growing, I was very popular. I scrolled through the comments replying only to a few.

sassybeauty101: King and Queen😍. Btw B is ur dad available?🤪🥴.

I laughed at Steph's comment. Actually I got most of my looks from dad. His height, body build and even facial features. I was his exact carbon copy. It was funny, because out of all his children, I was the one who looked like him the most. Me, the bastard child, his other children mostly took after thier mother.

I replied:

queensdomain_16: lol😂 crazy😂

graciiie_17: Beautiful as always😍


playanumba_1: Love of your life? I tot dat was me🥺🥺.

I giggled reading Sky's comment.

queensdomain_16: Oh babe u know ya still my best😉.

And many other comments complimenting dad and I. Someone even said how envious they are of us. I sighed inwardly.

"So how's school?", dad asked.

"Fine, it's great", I replied smilingly.

"How's aunty?", I asked about my step mom.

"How many months now?"

"7, 7 months", he replied awkwardly.

My step mom was pregnant with their fourth child. I know my dad didn't really want another child. He had once told my when they were still together, that he only wanted 4 children. I guess my step mom's still looking for a girl, I thought to myself. And since dad's an ardent catholic, they can't abort the child, plus I wasn't sure my grandfather would allow it.

I shrugged inwardly.

"So you went for a debate competition recently?", he asked.

"Essay", I replied coolly and sipped my drink.

"Oh right, Essay competition and you won?"

"Obviously", I replied cheekily and smiled at him. He laughed.

"Of course. Obviously because you are my daughter", he said with pride.

"Don't let mom hear you say that, she definitely won't agree", I said teasingly.

He laughed some more and said,

"Your mom just likes to argue unnecessarily, it's very obvious you took after me when it comes to intelligence"

"I don't know dad, mom surely has evidence", I said teasingly.

"Evidence?", he asked curiously.

"Hm, her report cards. She showed them to me, I have to agree she was pretty impressive", I said. The argument about whose intelligence I took had been on between them for as long as I could remember.

"Pfft, just that. I'll show you mine and you'll see that I was much more intelligent than your mom", he said boasting.

I laughed and looked at the time, only 15minutes had passed, we still had a lot of time to wait. I was getting seriously bored, just sitting here so I finished my drink and asked dad,

"Let's go for a walk?", I asked excitedly.

"Sure", he replied and smiled at me.

He got up and I quickly hooked my arm with his.

We walked down the street talking about this and that.

"Almirez?", we heard a voice call. We turned to see a middle aged man, walk towards us. He smiled when he walked up to us and said,

"Desmond! It is you!", the man exclaimed and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

My dad beamed too and received his shake. They exchanged greetings and pleasantries. With they way they talked, I immediately knew they must be very close. The man turned to me confused and asked,

"And who's this?..."

"Oh this is my daughter, Tiana" The man was visibly surprised and turned to look at my dad in shock.

"Your daughter? When did sister in law have a daughter?", he asked bewildered. I was already getting embarrassed and dad was clearly getting uncomfortable.

"She's my child not sister in law's", my dad replied awkwardly.

"Oh", the man said as the realization hit him. He looked over at me again. And for a moment, I thought I saw it flash in his eyes. The condescending and judgmental look that came with being born a bastard child.