
"So what did you want to tell me?", the boy asked the girl who was standing before him, shy. He gazed at her emotionlessly.

"I.... I like you", she stuttered shyly.

"What?", the boy scoffed. The girl raised her head and repeated, "I said I like you", shyly. The boy looked her once over.

'What an idiot', he thought to himself as he looked at her in disdain.

"Well I don't like you", he said coldly.

"What? But... but you... you said I was cute and you even..", the girl stammered confused.

"Aish, what a dense girl!", he exclaimed frustratedly.

"Did you really think I meant that? I only said that because you were smart and I didn't want you to stop helping me with my tests. So I actually put up with flirting with your fat ass but you're taking it too far, don't you think?", he said disgustedly. She stared at him in disbelief, tears pooling in her eyes.

"How could you even think that I'd like someone like you, hm fatty", he taunted and tugged her cheeks.

"Is.... there.... is there anything I could do to make you interested in me?", she asked shakily. She was desperate. The boy looked at her dumbfounded for a while before saying,

"There is". She looked up at him, hope twinkling in her eyes. He walked even closer to her and said in a low voice.

"There is one thing you can do for me.... introduce me to Olivia"

It was like a bucket of cold water was poured on her. All of her hopes, all her expectations were shattered in an instant. She looked up at him shocked. He smirked at her before saying,

"I mean... if you really like me like you said... then surely you'd want to see me happy and introducing me to your friend Olivia would make me very happy"

"I.. I...", she stammered.

He laughed and said,

"What? You can't do it? How stupid of you think to there is anything you could do to make me interested in you. I could never be interested in a buffalo like you", he said harshly and walked away.

She leaned on the wall as the tears spilled from her eyes. 'Why? Why wasn't anyone interested in her? Why were they always only interested in Olivia? It was fine if they were only just interested but did they have to insult me like so?', she asked herself in tears.

"Are you Olivia's friend?", she heard someone ask. She quickly wiped her tears and replied,


She turned when she had composed herself. She saw three boys standing there. The one in the middle, the one who had most likely spoken, was smiling mildly. He was really good looking and he had a pair of beautiful and striking blue eyes. She could feel myself getting drowned in them, when he walked closer to her and took her hands. His hands were soft and her heart skipped a beat.


Tiana's POV

"Sky?", I said surprised. The boy smiled, and walked up to me. I stood rooted and stared at him as he walked towards me. He stopped in front of me. I stared at him in surprise, gazing into those familiar blue eyes. 'It's him! He's here!", I screamed inwardly.

"Oh My God! Sky!", I exclaimed and jumped on him, enveloping him in my embrace ignoring the new boy. He laughed and hugged me back. I held onto him tightly for a while before pulling away.

"What are you doing here?", I asked him as soon as we disentangled.

"Uhm.. I go to school here", he said sarcastically and I hit him playfully.

"You know what I mean. I thought you were going to be in Australia for the entire week before returning next week?", I asked him.

"I was. But then I realized how much I missed you my cupcake. I just couldn't bear to be apart from you any longer", he said smilingly and I laughed. I pinched his cheeks.

"Hmm, did you attend sweet talking classes there too?", I asked teasingly.

"Yes, but don't tell anyone. My resumé says 'naturally charming' you know?", he said jokingly. I chuckled, "Yeah sure, your secret is safe with me" He turned his attention to the new boy, who by now was just staring at us expressionlessly.

"And who's this? Your boyfriend?", Sky asked me.

"Hmph", I scoffed.

"He wishes", I said.

"Really?", Sky said as he stared at the new boy, assessing him no doubt.

"Yeah, he's just an annoying pest I'm trying to get rid of", I said coldly looking at him the eye.

"Now isn't that just a bit too rude", the new boy interjected as he grinned at me not looking one bit offended or angry. I hated that grin, I wanted to wipe it off his face.

"Is it?", I asked casually.

"It is. And you..", he said turning his attention to Sky, ".....are you her boyfriend?"

Sky and I looked at him surprised, he actually had the guts to question him like that. Sky stared at him for a while before bursting out in laughter. Sky glanced at him before putting his hands on my waist,

"I don't know, what do you think?", he asked provokingly. The new boy stared at Sky's hands on my waist before looking at me. I saw anger in his eyes. He seemed bothered.

'But why would Sky being by boyfriend or not bother him? Or maybe I'm thinking too much?', I thought to myself.

"Let's go", Sky said and I let him lead me away, leaving the new boy.