Tiana's POV

As I walked away from the new boy, my head filled with different thoughts, my phone rang again. I glanced at the phone screen. This was the third time he had called me, he wouldn't call again, nevertheless I took my time answering the call.

"Hm", I said into the phone.

"Were you busy?", he asked.

"Yeah", I replied.

"I just wanted to ask how you are", he said.

"I'm fine, I'm better", I replied.

"Hm", he acknowledged and we went quiet.

"So are you coming back this break?", I asked him.

"I'm not sure. I have a few codes to run.... work", he said.

"Hm, ok", I responded.

"I won't be able to call you or answer your calls for a while", he continued.

"I have some work to do and I have to focus my energy, sorry"

"It's ok. Then....make sure not to overwork yourself", I told him.

"Sure", he replied and ended the call.

I sighed and walked back to the cafeteria.

I settled down on my spot from before with Grace's eyes following my every move.

"What was that about?", Steph asked.

"Oh, nothing serious. He just wanted to apologize for earlier in social studies class. He admits that he might have gone too far", I replied her.

"Oh? That's good then. It's good he at least knows how to apologize", Steph said and I nodded.

"And what he said about wanting to be friends?", Grace suddenly asked. I turned my attention to her.

"What did you say about that?", she asked.

"Nothing", I replied.

"Nothing?", she asked skeptically.

"Nothing", I reaffirmed.

"I don't understand", she said.

"What is there to understand? Isn't it obvious that I have no intention to be friends with someone like him?", I asked.

"Someone like him?", Grace reverberated.

"What exactly is your problem with him?", she asked.

"Why are you so cold toward him?"

"You mean aside from the fact that he called me a 'pretentious bitch', the very first day we met?", I asked her in reply, sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Yes, aside from that. Even before that incident you showed absolutely no interest in him and don't forget you literally called him stuck up before you guys said your first words to each other", she defended.

"Yeah, and I wasn't exactly wrong, was I?"

"But still", she persisted.

"I don't know Grace. I don't think I need a very valid reason before I decide I don't want to hang out with someone. It's my decision to hang out with whoever and I simply don't want to hang out with him", I stated.

"Hang out with who?", a familiar voice asked. I looked up and it was Sky walking towards us.

"No one of importance", I quickly replied.

"Where were you?", I asked him.

"Around. I had to take care of something", he replied.

"And where is Romeo?", I asked.

"He's finishing up an errand for me", he replied not looking at me. I found that suspicious.

Anthony joined us not too long after.

"Oh! Right, Tee, your dad's in the country, right?", Anthony asked me.

"Yes, he is", I replied.

"Good. My dad had plans to see him for some business related stuff, so I thought I'd ask you first to confirm", he explained. I nodded in response.

"Tee, are you aware about the event that would be happening this weekend?", Sky suddenly asked me.

"What event?", I asked.

"The Mitchelson's event", he responded.

The Mitchelson was one of the biggest and most powerful families in the country and a mutual partner of Sky's and I family businesses. I had attended an event organized by them once with my dad and had bumped into Sky.

"No, I'm afraid not", I replied.

"It's the old man's birthday so they are throwing a grand party to celebrate", Sky enlightened me.

The old man as he was usually called was the patriach of the Mitchelson family. He was known to be very strict with his children and even his grandchildren.

"And you are telling me about it because?", I asked him.

"I want you to be my escort", he said.

"Your escort?", I asked him, making sure I had heard him right.

"Yes", he nodded his head in affirmative.

"I don't know, Sky", I said.

"Why not?", he asked.

"I'm not sure my dad is attending this event and my mom certainly won't let me attend if my dad isn't attending either", I explained.

"Then you can persuade your dad", he said.

"I...don't know.....", I hesitated.

"Please?", he said.

"Alright, I'll try but I'm not promising you anything", I told him.