Grace's POV

I woke up early as usual today. I got out of bed and left my room. I went downstairs and found mom in kitchen, busy.

"Good morning, mom!", I greeted as I hugged her.

"Good morning, my princess", she replied.

"How are you? Hope you had a good night's sleep?", she asked.

"Yup", I replied.

"Is dad up yet?", I asked.

"No, he's still asleep. He came home late yesterday, he must be very tired", she said and I nodded.

"Go get ready, then come down for breakfast", mom said and I obeyed.

Once I was done with my morning routine, I headed downstairs for breakfast. My immediate elder sister, Pearl was already at the dining table.

"Late as usual", my sister said while on her phone and I rolled my eyes.

"I saw that", she said and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"You brat!", she said and dashed for me but I avoided her in time, giggling.