Tiana's POV

We slipped out of school unnoticed. Once we were out of the school, I searched in my bag and brought out a mask. I slipped it on and Lucas looked at me weirdly.

"Why are you putting on a mask? It's not like we are likely to bump into any teachers", he expressed.

"Just because", I answered and he pursed his lips at me.

"Just because? What is it with you guys and giving such a sketchy answer", he asked.

"What do you mean, 'you guys'?", I asked.

"Oh, Grace answered me that exact same way when I asked her why she sent me that screenshot and even when I asked why she was waiting for me the other day", he explained and I looked at him sharply.

"You've been talking to Grace?", I asked.

"Yes", he affirmed before scowling.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing much"

"You said she sent you a screenshot. What did she send?"

"A screenshot of Olivia's Instagram post"

"And why did she do that?"