Tiana's POV

I sat down on my study table. My mind was definitely not on the pile of homework I had to do. I replayed my conversation with my Geography teacher again in my head.

*Earlier at school*

"Miss Almirez? Can I have a word?", Mr. Weinberger, our geography teacher, called me.

"Yes, Mr. Weinberger", I responded.

"I already read your report", he began.

"I must say I am a bit disappointed", he said and my smile faltered.

"Really? Was it bad?", I asked already nervous.

"No, no, it was good but it was just below what I expected from you. The report was ok but if I wanted an ok report I could have given it to another one of our good students but because I wanted the best and nothing less I decided to give it to you since this particular report is going to be our entry for the National Geographical Essay competition", he expressed.

"Oh", was all I could mumble in response.