Chapitre 5

Chapter 5

It has proven to be extraordinarily interesting because every single pony is gifted with the voice of an angel. No matter what cutie mark they have, it seems that singing is a trait that everyone has mastered. Don't ask me how I came to that conclusion, I just recently found out like five minutes ago while randomly singing the lyrics to 'one jump ahead' from Aladdin.

It was a great song don't judge me. Though besides that fact, I just gained knowledge from mother that today we will be going out. To where? She hasn't told me yet, yet another flaw of being a child once more. The excitement I bear can be measured up to the extreme.

But I sighed, being able to sing practically any song I wanted to in a nice singing voice was something I wasn't going to let itself be pushed aside. Plus, I wasn't that good of a singer in the human world, I broke many a bathroom windows when trying to sing in the shower

Being a pony was fun, though being reborn as a child and having to witness the process of childbirth from the inside was...something I'd rather pass up. Which lead me to my next conniption, what exactly was I planning to do when I reached the age of adulthood once more? Maybe work in a cloud factory, seeing as those things exist here.

But I found myself getting a bit annoyed at my thoughts, I was a child for Pete's sake! Maybe I had the mind of an adult, but a child no less. I agreed to make the most out of this life than what I had in my last life, so those mundane adult thoughts would be for much later in this ponies' life.

Could you guess where I was currently going through my very important thought process? If you thought Mom's bed you were correct, I can't deny the fact that it is soo comfortable. I sometimes pretend to have nightmares just to be able to sleep on this bed longer, a slight mischievous thing to do... but who was here to judge me?

I twiddled with my hooves in a show of anxiousness mixed in with boredom, glancing around her quite compact yet comfortable room with creased eyes. Of course, I could go back and read that weirdly titled book about the elements of harmony, but that book was far too large and full of contradictions. I didn't have the time or rather the focus to try and solve the book's problems today, much less think about the power of friendship and whatnot.

So I sat there for a few more moments and stared at the ceiling, offhandedly counting the little bumps from the material in the ceiling. Getting up to the number one thousand before finally having enough, I groaned and rolled over onto my belly; pushing myself onto my hooves and moving to hop off the bed.

Landing on the ground with a bit of a fumble, I ignored it and continued on my way. Through the bedroom door and into the corridor of doors, or rather four doors. Nonetheless, I pressed forwards, walking at a steady pace and starting to hum mindlessly.

The hum ranged from a random mix of noises before finding itself forming into a very catchy and notable tune, the beat I had playing through my head affecting the way I walked. Turning from a light wall into one filled with the shifting of my hips from side to side and the bounce in my step, the humming turning into a bout of whistling as I made my way into the living room.

Doing a small twirl before coming to a stop and looking at a random corner of the room, the lyrics of the song just started pouring out of my mouth and projected across the empty house.

"It means no worries...for the rest of your days!"

Imagining the other two imaginary counterparts that would finish this small triad of music-making at my side, I resumed a small hum as I let their parts play in my head.

"It's our problem-free!"

Turning around and rapidly flapping my wings to make them force me into the air and onto the arm of the couch, I continued.


"Hakuna Matata..."

While the music in my head died down a bit, I fluffed my wings and hopped back down onto the carpeted floor, continuing to shift my hips and bounce around the room. Pretending to follow the two very silly and very imaginary African animals, a grin growing brighter on my face as the song continued.




"Mata- ah!"

I found myself letting out the deepest and manliest scream I have ever heard, the force of it making me stumble and fall onto my back. Staring up at the ceiling in confusion as to the rather familiar bout of giggling continued, before widening my eyes and slightly berating myself for not remembering.


The ability to shrug off pretty much anything as a child seems to have proven useful once again, forcing myself onto my hooves and immediately barreling into mother's barrel; no pun intended. Wrapping my small limbs around her as she shortly reciprocated.

"Well hello to you little singer~"

I felt my flash flush and pressed it deeper into mother's chest fluff, seriously couldn't get enough of the stuff. Before I finally removed myself from her and plopped down onto the ground, taking a step back and looking up at her expectantly.

"Uhmm.. oh yeah! now will you tell me where we're going?"

I brushed the teasing remark off and tried to make light of my earlier thoughts, looking at her clearly in the face with as much of a pout I could pull off. Watching her give a small sigh before reaching with a hoof and patting the top of my head, before then picking me up and putting our nose to nose.

"You know that puppy face is cheating right?"

She asked me with a grin, nuzzling me lightly before shifting me down to her chest once more. The sounds of something loud and feathery unfurling were what I heard before we were taken into the air, the sounds of her wings flapping lightly played in the background as I peered my head around. Watching her fly into the corridor and her already open bedroom, where she set me down lightly on the bed.

Watching her fly over to the desk on the right side of the room with a tilt of my head and a slight bubble of excitement, she opened the top drawer and pulled something out. Muttering something that I couldn't quite catch to herself before turning back to me, flying over, and landing right in front of me she grinned.

"What's that behind your back?"

I inquired, trying to crane my head to catch a glimpse of what she held in her wing before she simply put a hoof up.

"Since somepony was so eager to know what mommy had in store for him.. here!"

She passed the item she held in her wings to the hoof she held up, looking at me with a small as she proffered

Well, it was more than a ticket, rather a full-blown lanyard that held a small laminated card that read 'Backstage pass' for what seemed to be the...Wonderbolts? I've heard that name before, where exactly did I hear that-of course!

I look over to a moderately sized poster on the wall, painted in a sky blue color with clouds littering the background. While four weird spandex-wearing ponies stood in flying position in the foreground, bolded words labeling them 'the wonderbolts'.

So they were some kind of all pegasus flying team, with an oddly close resemblance to the Blue Angel's. But if this ticket insinuated what I think it did, she was taking me to a flight show.

"You're taking me to a flight show?"

I watched her eagerly nod her head in affirmation, noticing her already sporting the same lanyard, and went to say something. Though was interrupted by mother, her hooves reaching out and grabbing the backstage pass before putting it around my neck.

"Indubitably my intelligent foal! Now let us be on our way to Canterlot stadium!"

She exclaimed in a happy tone before picking me up once more and dropping me down and onto her back, I moved to grab lightly onto her chocolate-colored mane as she trotted out the room and towards the front door. Barely even grabbing onto the keys hanging from the key holder before opening and walking out the door, moving down the steps and onto the street where she evened her pace.

I gave out a sigh before letting go of her hair, just resigning to let my front hooves hang at my side as I looked around. Humming lightly to myself as to pass the time, which caught mothers attention.

"Well speckles honey, why don't you teach me that little song you were grooving to earlier?"

I chuckled as she emphasized the word 'grooving' with a little shake of her body, thinking about her question for a few seconds before shrugging. What's a little Disney to further brighten the mood?

So I agreed and went to teach her the ways of Timon and Pumba.


So there we were, grooving out to one of the songs from my favorite Disney movie. I had shortly after moving to teach her, asked to be placed onto the ground, and proceeded to show her the moves.

Now she was following right behind me doing that little dance step I was doing earlier.






"It means no worries!"

"It's our problem free-philosophy!"

"Hakuna Matata..."

Cue the bouts of giggling that spewed out from the both of us as we finished the song, I turned around and looked up at mother as we stopped.

"We sounded awesome!"

I wouldn't be lying if I said that wasn't some of the most fun I've had with a parent since forever! Even she was having trouble trying to speak through the giggling, and I was the child here! Though it was all fun and games until someone decided to spoil the moment.

"Quite a silly yet..marvelous display of talent if I do say so myself, how splendid!".

Of course, she would show up.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I have a plan, I swear