Chapter 16
Author's Note:
This chapter was once again edited by the user FunkyFresh
After a bit of waiting, while also suspiciously eyeing the kitchen at the hint of a slight burning smell did Spitfire finally emerge. A smug smile placed on her face as she balanced two separate plates on her back. I tilted my head from the position on the couch before simply shrugging and moving to address her.
"Did you burn something?"
"N-no! No, I didn't.. in fact it was just the exertion of my awesomeness that made the waffle maker shoot sparks!"
Now that was slightly concerning. Yet reminiscent of a particular one eyed figure who very much enjoyed destroying her cooking utensils or in this case, the waffle maker. I simply rolled my eyes as she finally got to the front of the couch, I might as well let mom scold her when she got back.
"I'm sure it was."
"Is that sarcasm rookie?"
'No it was cynicism'.
Nonetheless I shook my head and smiled up at her, causing her to return it with a grin of her own. Then moving to gently set the two plates she had prepared on the coffee table, letting them slide down and onto the table by using her wings as some sort of ramp. I couldn't explain it any better than that, honestly. She sighed and threw herself backwards onto the couch, lightly jolting me up into the air from the force.
"Enough banter, time for the taste test"
I put on my best Gordon Ramsey voice and got off the couch, taking a few steps and looking down at the waffle. Slightly burnt, yet surprisingly appetizing as it stared at me from the plate. Speaking of the plate, I put a hoof to it and realized it was cold. That's twenty points deducted.
"Tsk, let's see if it's as good as I think it is."
Seeing as there were no forks and neither was there any syrup, I wasn't going to bother trying to ask for any of that and simply bent my head down and opened my mouth. Latching onto the breakfast item and jerking my head up, then letting it all slide info my mouth before chewing.
It wasn't bad, slightly difficult on the throat. Though that's partly due to the lack of syrup and me not having any water since yesterday. Though a plain waffle was still as good as a dressed one, I nodded approvingly.
Turning around and watching as Spitfire now lay fully strewn out over the couch, she fixated me with a confused yet amused facial expression.
"Nicely done Spitfire, you move on to the next round"
"Er.. thanks squirt"
I simply chuckled and gave a glance over to the second plate she placed down, only to blink as it was already empty. Looking over to her once more, she sheepishly grinned.
"Can't blame me.. waffles are too damn good"
That's a first. I've never heard another pony other than myself actually say a swear word that wasn't child friendly. So being the asshole of a child I was, I acted.
"That's a bit for the swear jar"
"You said the no no word, that means you pay up or get tattled on…"
I let the innocent way of speaking drop aside and finished off my sentence, letting the smirk be blatantly evident as she tried to come up with something to say.
"You wouldn't want mommy to know I learned some bad words from her friends.. right?"
"Damn kid.. you're evil"
I merely laughed as evilly as I could for a four year old.
"Yes I know, my mind is very malicious when it comes to forming jokes"
"Is that how you took down that changeling?"
That's when my joking demeanor died and I looked at her with a confused face, suppressing the amount of sudden surprise I was filled with. My first thoughts were on how exactly she knew this, before immediately being answered by the back of my head.
'Mother told her you dolt'
I shook my head and sat down on the floor, motioning to answer her question.
"That was more out of fear and sheer lack of knowing what would happen if the changeling got their han- hooves on me." I finished with a sigh at the memory.
I heard movement from the couch before she started.
"Ah, sorry squirt.. didn't mean to bring up bad memories.. just kinda still- let's move on from that! What do you wanna do?"
She was quick to dismiss the topic she specifically brought up, I squinted suspiciously at her before just as quickly dropping it. That was something to keep in mind next time, or question it now and try to get more answers.
"It's fine I mean.. didn't really affect me all that much, all that matters is that I was able to incapacitate the changeling and get away right?"
Her grin deflated at my casual mention of attempted murder, in self defense of course. As if I would murder someone. Though I do question the possibilities of that now that I here-
Anyways. There was an abrupt silence after I spoke, Spitfire glanced over to her side and looked as if she didn't know what to say. What exactly would she say? We were just talking about waffles and eating breakfast, now we just skipped steps and are talking about my near kidnapping experience.
What is my life? Other than an overly complicated round of conflict.
After a few more very awkward moments of silence is when I finally decided to move to a different subject. Wanting to lighten the mood as Spitfire tried to do, I glanced over to her side of the couch.
"Hey Spitfire?"
She blinked and turned over to me, eyes slightly widened in.. tension was it? I'm not really sure, these pony eyes really seem to do what they want.
"Yeah squirt?"
"How fast can you fly?"
"Well uh.."
She was taken back by the question, evidently she didn't really expect me to so smoothly switch things up on her, though since flying seemed to be something she really did enjoy. I'd try to trick her mind into pushing flying into the loop.
"I'd say I'm pretty darn fast.. faster than the rest of the Bolts!"
"Uh huh…"
"What, don't believe me?"
I shook my head as sarcastically as I could, bringing both hooves up into the air in a mock defense.
"I mean I would… if you could break the sound barrier.."
"I've don-"
"On a regular basis"
I grinned cheekily. Though hiding the giddiness at knowing that sonic booms were possible here, though from what I'm hearing. It is quite the hard feat, as I would assume seeing as you need to literally fly fast enough that you break the barrier that literally holds sound.
Though I really didn't want to go in depth on the flying of this reality, due to it possibly being more than an hour if I got really intrigued. Not to say I'm not, just saying though.
"Moving on! I bet that there's something I can do that you can't"
An aura of competition seemed to have immediately seeped out of the full grown pegasus and braced onto me. Weird how I physically felt it and knew how to describe it, but there's literal love sucking entities here so…
"Oh yeah, what's that squirt?"
"I can moonwalk!"
"Moon wha- ?"
She was confused. Of course she was confused, because the feeble mind of a pony cannot begin to compare itself to the mind of a fully grown adult stuck in a child's body. The feeling of superiority drew a somewhat evil laugh out of me.
I was interrupted by my own teeth betraying me and biting down on the tip of my tongue.
"bhit mai tongth.."
I looked at the amused grin on Spitfires face. I grimaced before shaking my head, I took a few seconds and tested quietly to myself if I could speak normally.
"Thest.. test..test.. alright!"
"As I was saying, moonwalk!"
"What is that… some sort of dance move?"
Right on the dot isn't she? I mean, she is old so I bet she'd know if I was referencing a dance move or not.
"Even better.. it's the greatest dance move to have ever existed!"
"Better than the hoof-lock?"
"Don't know what that is.. but yes!"
She looked unconvinced, her attention now fully on me as she shifted her body and rested her head on a hoof. Watching me as I jumped off the couch and stumbled onto the floor, making sure I was stable before starting.
"Never mind.. I didn't really expect you to know of the cloudsdale trio"
While I silently questioned what exactly she was talking about, she spoke up and brought my attention back to what was at hand.
"Prove it"
"Alright I will!"
With that, I began to position myself for the best moonwalking position. Nodding to myself as I told my mind to start with my right hoof and end with my left, I moved.
Starting a bit sloppily before slowly being able to do it properly, seemingly sliding across the floor. Walking for a few feet before doing a spin and bouncing upwards, holding myself in the air with my wings and saying the famous words.
"I am not going to question how exactly you did that... Instead, I'm going to ask you to teach me how!"
With that, I successfully diverted attention away from the almost life scarring event and turned it into another silly situation.
To be continued