Chapitre 24

Chapter 24

Author's Note:

Now if you will excuse me.

I have some spinning to do.

After being downright assaulted by Spitfire, and left to suffer as mother simply giggled to herself at the display. The traitor. Though after the whole fiasco and me kicking Spitfire in the shins, laughing as I watched her bounce around in pain, we decided to finally leave for our destination. Since there wasn't any other way to get up to this cloud city without being a pegasus or using a hot air balloon or something. At least, I think these guys have evolved enough to have some sort of air transportation for the non-flying horses. It was decided that the trip would be made by flying. Well, they were flying, I was chilling on mother's back the whole way.

As of this moment, we were going at a leisurely pace. I took the time to distract myself with the scenery and the prospect of actually flying way up in the sky without being in an airplane. Though there was a lack of clouds as we got farther from cloud city, which was funny to me because you would think that there'd be an abundance of clouds in the surrounding area. But I digress.

Now that I think about it. This place seemed pretty weird about its weather, in the fact that it was never forecast or since they don't have television. Predicted or something, I'd assume with all this magic they'd have a way of doing something of the sorts. I know. What if they actually figured out a way to control the weather? Now that'd be cool, being able to keep it perpetually hot or cold, cloudy or sunny in one area at will. Though now that I really think about it, I couldn't see the logistics behind that. Unless they were doing what humans did back home, which was cloud seeding.

Though I guess altering the microphysical processes a cloud undergoes to form precipitation is more on the scientific side than it is magic. But why the hell am I overthinking things? I'm a human that bur- that died and somehow was placed into the body of a small talking horse that lives in an intelligent horse society, who also to top it off worships their princesses like Gods.

But it's whatever.

Instead of focusing on that, I should actually focus on how damn cold it was up here. You'd think all this fur and feathering would keep you warm, but sheesh.

Shivering slightly, I peeked my head around mother's own head and looked to see if I could spot our destination from here. Which was surprisingly easy, hence the lack of clouds. But when I craned my vision forwards, I could spot the outlined image of a small town in the distance and and a Train station? Well, I guess that's more fuel to the fire that is my never-ending string of conscious thoughts I like delving into on the daily. Better yet, now I could bug Spitfire about it later. Or quite possibly find someone who is well-read and start firing off stupid and logic questioning questions. We'd have to see since I have to actually take the time to see if this town is somewhere worth staying, or even if it looks like somewhere that'd be good to stay in.


I might've dozed off on the ride here since I was awoken by a poking sensation on my side. My eyes opened and I blinked at the bright light flooding my visions. I closed my eyes and shook my head a few times. Pushing myself up onto my feet and opening them once more, blinking a few times as my eyes adjusted to the sudden influx of brightness. Feeling a slight kink in my back I bowed my front half down and stretched forwards until I heard a pop, with that done and over with I raised myself back up and looked around. It was apparent to me that we were no longer in the air and now we're standing in the middle of what seemed to be a plaza of some sort of shopping square, since there were stall-like things with horses running them.

I looked over to see who it was that was poking me, and was met with a slightly comedic sight. Of course, I had to know it was Spitfire who had done it, though I didn't really expect to see her standing there with a sun hat on. Though at the moment she hadn't taken notice of me looking at her, I turned my head and looked over at mom, who was also taking in the surroundings.

"Well, with new surroundings now in mind, I did a quick three sixty from where I was standing upon and didn't really see much of intere- except that very out of place house that makes the witch's gingerbread house look like a lesser being. Also, that library, if it was a library, it just gave off that vibe, it had a very interesting design, yet still confused me on how they were able to fuse together the tree and the library while having the structure embedded into the trunk, the ones back on earth look completely different from this. Though I shook my head and returned focus to what we were doing at the moment, which was currently just standing around and looking at the surroundings as if we were captain America coming back from being frozen. I have no idea why I used that reference.

Before I killed myself with self-creating, my mother was the one to initiate conversation by turning her head.

"Oh you're awake! We made it to Ponyville if you couldn't already tell."

I shrugged my shoulder and sat back down on my butt. Now my main concern was with what exactly we were going to do now that we were here. I mean we weren't going to immediately visit and settle down here right? What if this place turned out to be some pretty on the outside ugly on the inside type cult of cannibalistic ponies?

Y'know, that sounds stupid coming out of my own thoughts. But there was always a possibility of those things happening, heck there could probably be dragons in this world, and I wouldn't realize until they start burning down villages and blasting people away with their shouts. Hey wait, if dragons do exist, here are they also intelligent?

I'm getting too into my thoughts again. I told myself I was going to chill with that. I shook my head once more and returned mothers greeting with a question.

"Seems so. What's the plan? Also, where's Spitfire?"

I didn't realize until now, but she seemed to have disappeared in the moment that I fell asleep and woke up, which was funny. She was right next to me a moment ago... Mother's answer to my question was something that irked my curiosity once more, though it seemed as if she wasn't giving me the full picture. Because nah, you don't just wake someone up and disappear like that.

"She said something about having to speak with somepony she knows here. As for what we should do, I'm not sure."

It wasn't like I wouldn't figure it out in due time, but I guess I'll keep that in the back of my mind for now.

"Oh ok."

Honestly, I didn't have a clue of what to do either, there didn't seem much to do here in totality. From what was in viewing distance, I could only really see houses littered here and there with the same stalls I noted earlier covering the place. Oh, also that library looking tree place and that pseudo gingerbread house. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty hungry, and it looks as if that place sells food.


Well it seems as though my body decided on prioritizing food first and questioning life later. So with my new-found goal in mind, I-

"Well, we could always meet up with Spits later. But now it seems as though somepony is hungry for sweets."

Mother was scarily pshycic sometimes.


"With the information from our beloved wonderbolts captain, I was able to send Twilight a letter regarding the little ones arrival. "

"Sister. Have you ever had the idea that you've relied on Twilight Sparkle and her friends far too much? This matter should mainly be handled by the two of us, no?"

"The thought has surfaced once or twice... though, besides your agreeable point, how has entering the little ones dream been?"

"Sister, we've gone over this."

"Now are you sure that you haven't been able to enter his dreams?"

"Sister, I am certain! He may be a simple foal, but the fortitude of their mind are much greater than those of even the oldest night guard!"

"Oh dear, and are you certain?"

"Sister, it seems as if you don't even believe us. We have told you thrice times over that we have tried and failed to enter their dreams, without any success!"

"Now now, there is no disbelief on my part. What there is is a rather keen interest. It truly makes me wonder… Luna?"

"Yes sister?"

"Are you still able to bring the two of us into the realm of dreams like you used to?"

"Well yes bu-"

"Then the matter is settled. You shall take me with you on your next excursion to the dream realm, and we will both attempt to enter."

"I.. very well."

To be continued