Chapitre 28

chapter 28

I watched the two princesses' bodies tumble onto the floor and promptly dissipate into thin air, making me sigh in relief as the lightsaber twirled around in the air for a bit longer before I promptly caught it. I dropped down onto my butt and cast my glance to where the two of them presumably walked from, tilting my head in confusion as I could see a door in the distance. Why would there be a door in my dream, wait. Was this what those books were talking about when they said that Princess Luna used doors to visit people's dreams? Then that means?

I quickly rose back up onto my hooves and trotted over towards the door, coming to a stop just a few feet away. I scanned the open door up and down for a few seconds before humming. There were a few things coming to mind but I decided not to dwell on them, turning back around I wondered...

My question was answered as the slamming of a door was heard and I turned around. The door was once again shut and the chains that dangled from it, sprung back to life and started wrapping themselves around the door. After the tenth or so loop around the door they stopped and became inanimate, bringing an end to my impressed face.

"That was pretty cool.."

With that said and done I sat back down once again, thoughts mainly focused on the events that transpired not even a few moments ago. I didnt know that both of the princesses would show up in my head, at the very least I expected like one visit and that was from Luna. But with them both showing up and practically giving me a heart attack, I had to resort to the act cute and kill them right after shtick.

I sighed. If this was going to be a recurring thing, the lucid dreaming I mean. Than i would have to build some sort of defenses against this mental intrusion. I really didn't appreciate someone else walking around in my head. I really dont need any questions.

But with the thought of defense in my mind , I shrugged off all else and focused on that. Specifically on how exactly I could make it more difficult to get in?

Deciding to use my wings for once, I flapped myself into the air and floated on over to the big door. These chains wouldnt do by themselves, so why not some.. laser cannons?

With that thought a rapid movement caused me to turn around and stare wide eyed as a big, white and futuristic looking machine stood there. The awe turned into excitement real fast.


Even though I spent like a good few hours battling against star wars things before i killed the princesses. Not a thought I'd ever thought come out of my mouth by the way. It still just took me by full surprise that all this was happening right in front of me.

Shit was just crazy like that.

But back to the friggin laser. I eyed it up and down before shaking my head, and it just as quickly dissipated into the black flooring. I could totally come up with something better than a laser cannon. Like..

"Master chief!"

With the sudden iconic character coming to mind I turned and looked up. Being faced with the main character of almost every single halo game, excluding reach and ODST. But fuck, was it cool. Even if he was just my imagination.

"Sierra 117 reporting for duty, sir."

I might just pass out. Though I have an idea.

"...Chief.. do you mind saying something for me"

His salute dropped and his golden visor shifted down to look at me, reminding me of how absolutely massive this guy was. Even if I knew it wasnt possible for him to hurt me, I felt my voice quiver.

"Anything sir."

"..uh, could you please say this-"

I quickly hopped up and floated next to his helmet, cupping my hoof around my muzzle as I spoke my request. Heart pounding as I dropped back down and finished my sentence.

"-when I ask you "what you think you're doing"?"

His arms crossed and he looked up at the ceiling for a moment, giving a small chuckle as he nodded back down to me.

"Absolutely sir."

My eyes widened and I started bouncing up and down like an idiot. Though quickly recollecting myself as I started going through with my request, suddenly the scenery shifted and we were standing inside of the cafeteria from the first game.

I quickly floated over to a random table and motioned him over, he turned and swiftly walked over. His visor scanning the area around us before opting to sit down right across from me. I stood on the table and giggled.

'Exchem.. alright, alright. Ready?"

He nodded. So without skipping a beat I walked up to him and asked with the most serious voice I could muster.

"Mind telling me what you're doing Chief?"

He was silent for a moment before extending a hand out. I acquiesced by forming a sizable cheeseburger in his hand, grinning from ear to ear as he started.

"Sir, I'm finishing this cheeseburger."

I jumped and let out a shot out joy. But quickly calmed myself as I turned back to him and nodded, smiling from ear for ear.

"Thank you chief."

"Anytime sir."

With that, he along with the scenery of the cafeteria dissipated and I was now standing back in front of the door. With a renewed vigor I immediately knew what I was going to do.


With a triumphant smile, I floated leisurely in the air and admired the work I'd done. The once empty space that lead up to the door had now been replaced with an absolutely giant maze, I floated upwards to get a better view of things. If the princesses were inevitably able to get into my head once more, then the terrors I had in store for them would surely keep them out. Albeit with a bit more questions concerning a child like me having these beasts in his dreams.


Once you entered from the door you would be immediately met with a pathway into the maze. It stretched on for a bit before branching out into six different pathways, each one worse than the other. But the best part was, that I added in that little factor from the Maze Runner. These walls would switch every five or six hours give or take, meaning each pathway would lead to something different each time.

Along with it being incredibly annoying to traverse, I added in practically every horror device I could think of. From movies, video games, and even folklore.

I even added in Shreks swamp for the hell of it.

So even if you were to find the exit to the maze, you'd be pressed to actually get outside completely. For at the very end there stood a checkpoint, and at that checkpoint stood a single combine police officer, a garbage bin, and a single can. You know how that interaction goes..

But with everything said and down I floated back down towards the ground and walked away from my imaginary maze. Walking over to a moderately sized boxing ring with two armored figures standing on it across from each other. I sat down on a foldable chair and imagined a whistle in my hoof.

"Alright, Chief! Six! I want a clean match to prove once and for all if you two are evenly matched."

With the two silently nodding, I blew the whistle and watched as the two circled each other. But weirdly enough as the longer I watched the fight, the more drowsy i felt, shaking my head once or twice didn't seem to change anything. I let out a yawn on instinct and was slightly confused.

"--why am I so tir-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence as my eyes closed and vision turned white. Keeping them like that I then abruptly opened them again, getting flooded by the bright lights and overwhelming sense of comfort completely surrounding me. I shifted around as a test and felt the soft texture beneath me start to move with my back. Crawling up my back and placing itself onto my head, rubbing back and forth.

With confusion filling me, I blinked my eyes multiple times to rid them of the exhaustion and to get used to the bright lights.

"Finally awake sleepy head?"

The soft melody of a voice asked me as I registered actually being awake. Shaking my head one final time I twisted my head around and was met with the smiling face of mother looking down at me.

I smiled half heartedly back at her before rolling over until I was laying belly first on her chest. I gave her a small nuzzle before closing my eyes once more.

"Five more minutes..."

She simply giggled a response and rubbed my head again.

I was not ready to start the day. Especially since I wasnt able to finish that imaginary fight!

To be continued