Chapter 37
Author's Note:
I got a fish to make my house more lively. His names swimmy.
After the whole princess Luna and having her face her own sister in the form of a Nosk, a creature that shapeshifts and takes the face of the prey that they have killed. Or even the prey that they are going to kill, and before that I put her through a slightly traumatizing maze. If you were to go into the specific combinations of maze twist and turns, would traumatize you for sure. But I can't help but feel that I sparked something that would go on to spark another situation and yadda yadda..
Anyways, I guess I'll have to wait for another one of these annoying situations to come up again. Who knows how these royal horses are going to react after I bamboozled them the first time, then proceeded to bamboozle them again.
But I think that's when I woke up. Apparently when you think too hard about things and are already conscious of the fact that you are lucid dreaming, I guess they didn't go together well enough.
Though moving on from that, back to the situation at hand. Which was waking up to that same comfortable and fuzzy feeling all over my body. It was quite distracting, enough to make me almost completley forget about the really serious and adult situation, I should probably be considering at this moment. But in the end, nah. Comfort is overloading my system.
I simply let my eyes close again and snuggled in closer to what I assumed was mother's neck and or chest fluff. It half tempted me enough to go back to sleep, but since I've already woken up and sworn to myself that I wouldnt spend my days lazing about. I reluctantly moved my head back from the deep position I was in and opened my eyes.
Accidentally bending myself too far back to the point of where I ended up doing that thing where your body is like "falling!" And you get that child up your spine before you just end up falling over and onto your back. Does that sound weird? I wonder. Since I'm talking to myself and...
Anyways, I pulled myself up and onto my butt before taking a moment to blink back the harsh beams of light. Rubbing at the both of them with a hoof for a moment before giving a test blink and dropping my hoof. A small grin replaced as I fully opened my eyes and yawned, the tired feeling was still there but I could deal with it.
I'd always been a morning person back in my adult years, but it's sort of nice to know you have no repercussions neither any reason to stop your from sleeping in late. Just another nod to how absolutely great I have it here, minus the assault and almost kidnapping. But I could deal with those things, humans are big smart and we all know the reason we survive was on our smart brains and fear.
Where am I going with this? I could not tell you, I'm a sucker for trivial nonsense in the morning. Many reasons why my doggo back at home would.. and that sad feeling is creeping back up! Initiate doing something else to distract myself. Go!
Eyes focusing back onto the peacefully sleeping mother, I grinned and started crawling back towards her. Reaching up towards her face and lightly poking at it.
"Yo, mom."
Her muzzle scrunched up.
She batted my hoof away before moving to roll over.
"Well.. if that's how it's going to be" I said to myself in response to her completley ignoring my attempts to wake her. This was cause for me to bring out the big guns. So with that, I opened my mouth wide and-
"Mom! Spitfire is here to ask you on a date!!" I blurted out with a big as grin on my face.
To which I got an immediate and very pleasing response from my poor poor mother.
Her eyes snapped opened and she hauled herself up into a sitting position while opening her mouth, about to say something before her wide eyes snapped shut and she recoiled.
"Whaza--agh! The light!" She spouted before falling backwards onto her pillow and covering her face with her hooves.
As she recovered from her rude awakening, I took the moment to do what a kid would do after causing some mischief. I laughed.
"Pffttt! Hah! Good morning mom!" I was able to get out before falling backwards once again.
It was mean, but that expression on her face was too priceless! I've never seen her more alert than at this very moment.
It actually made me wonder if she had any actual f-
"Come here you!" I suddenly heard in the middle of my own mental conversation before I was grabbed and hauled over towards her. I once again let my guard down and mother took advantage of it and landed me trapped in her clutches!
She held me up in front of her and stared me in the eyes for a good few minutes, allowing me to fully accept my fate and hopelessly say.
"Let's talk about this." I said with a small smile.
"You see, you wouldnt wake up and-" my voice was silenced as she simply ddint say anything to me, her narrowed expression turning into a smile. Not one of innocent joy like mine are, no. This was one if those smiles where she would end up tickling me right after the intimidation.
"Aw shucks.." I uselessly said before the torture started.
After what seemed to be hours of being mercilessly tickled by a very vengeful mother she finally stopped. I was left exhausted and very regretful laying on mother's stomach, breathing in and out slowly before moving my head up to look at her smug expression.
Her hooves then shortly thereafter came down and gently patted the top of my head as she sighed. All the energy she put into punishing me for that little joke sizzled out and she reciprocated my earlier greeting.
"Good morning honey