Chapter 39
Author's Note:
Thanks for the continued support/interest in the story friends!
Also P.S.
Reminding me of the "song that never ends" was painful.
Swimmy is doing fine.
The whole thinking about what to sing had me scouring my head for any songs I could sing..and unfortunately.
"This is the song that never ends~" I blurted out.
"Yes it goes on and on my friends!" Shit.
"Somepeople- started singing it not knowing what it was!" Damn it.
"And they'll continue singing it forever just because!" Why the hell did I even remember this song?
"This I-"
I took a moment to slap myself across the face in order to get that outta my system, I have no idea where it came from or rather why it came to me all of a sudden! But hell, that song is annoying. Yet it's pretty catchy..
No! No. No matter how catchy it is, I will never let that song ever slip out of my mouth ever again. It makes me physically sick just to think about that song beyond this point, so I'm doing what I think is best. Completely moving on and focusing my attention back onto the situation at hand.
I was sitting on mother's back as she walked along the streets of Ponyville in order to get some food. I relished in the silence for a moment before blinking as mother started speaking in a slightly disappointed tone.
"Aw- honey why'd you stop singing? That was a nice sounding song!" She finished in a cheery tone before turning forwards once more, casually bobbing her head up and down as she hummed. Hummed the song I was singing out loud not even a few moments ago.
That made my eyes bulge out for a moment as I realized the mistake I made. Quickly letting out a nervous chuckle I inched forwards on her back and placed both hooves on her head. She stopped humming and turned slightly in a questioning manner, to which I immediately spoke against the usage of that song. Ever.
"Hah-uh, mom. I dont think it's that good of a song.. it's more annoying than anything really, only like four verses. None of that good stuff." I finished before rubbing a hoof against the back of my neck.
She lifted a hoof before softly stamping it back down onto the ground. "Nonsense! It's a cute and fun little song- like the other one you sang..hmm. what was it?" She said before drifting off into thought.
"Mom really, I don't think-" I was interrupted.
"Right! it was like Hakuna Matata!" was what she said in the end.
"But Hakuna Matata is a feel good song. A nice song you can sing with friends, not meant to be annoying li-" I couldn't finish my reasoning before she started singing the dreaded song.
"This is the song that never ends~" she said with a smile.
"Mo-" I tried.
"Yes it goes on and on my friends!" She persisted.
"Come on sweetie- some people started singing it not knowing what it was!"
I placed both hooves against my face as I fell backwards on her back and let out a very very loud groan.
"And they'll continue singing it forever just because!"
Kill me. AGAIN.
"-Luna." Celestia started. Giving her younger sister a concerned yet tired glare from across the table. The latter had decided to use one of the poor butlers as some sort of barrier between the two of them. Much to her annoyance and the butler's nervousness. She couldn't even get close to her sister without having the butler telekinetically pushed in front of her.
"Cease! BEAST!"
She mentally sighed and she fell back into her own chair, a hoof pressed against her mane. She was definitely going to have to give that pony a raise, maybe some time off after this. Whatever this is.
"Luna.. inside voices please." She continued.
"Why? In order for thou to consume mine flesh as if it were a delectable treat? Nay! WE THINK TIS IS THE BE-'' At this Celestia finally did something.
"Faust damn it Luna!" She shouted before standing up and lighting her own horn, wrenching the butler out of a startled Luna's grasp and floated him towards her. Giving the very frightened pony a motherly smile in the midst of this madness and gently setting him down. The poor thing could hardly stand.
"My little pony, I am terribly sorry for how my sister was acting. Please, take the rest of the week off" she apologized.
"A-all.. is f-forgiven princess!" He said while taking a moment to hastily bow before sprinting out of the room.
Celestia sighed before her aggravated face popped back up and she turned back to look at her sister. Who was now holding the fork she used to eat her breakfast as a weapon! Honestly.
"Luna. I'm only going to tell you this once. I am not a shapeshifting creature that likes to eat ponies. I am also neither a changeling or an imposter.". She reasoned while walking around the table and towards her sisters end.
"Bu-" she shut down her sister's comments in an instant.
"No. I am your sister Luna. Co-ruler of Equestria, nothing more and nothing less." She finished with an exhausted tone.
Luna looked at her with narrowed eyes for a good few moments before finally closing her own and sighing for herself. The fork leaves the hold from her magic and clatters back onto the table.
"We- I... I am sorry sister." Luna started.
"Last night's visit to the child's dreams proved to be one of nightmares.. it simply clouded my thoughts with fear." She lamented.
Celestia frowned and walked closer to her sister, reaching up a hoof and placing it against her back. While trying to comfort her sister, she asked what exactly was nightmarish about the sweet colts' dreams. She'd been there herself, there seemed nothing else but a child thankfully unaffected by the terrible situation happening around them.
"Luna, please help me understand. It doesn't quite register in my mind how you would be so affected by this child?"
Luna was quick to retort, her eyes snapped open and she snapped over to where Celestia was standing. Startling her a bit as she took a step back.
"Sister, that's just it! There's something wrong with that child. What I witnessed in his head was not normal! Not normal at all.. it was so irregular from a normal foals dreams.."
"How so?" Her head tilted at her sister's outburst.
"Sister. He constructed a labyrinth inside of his head just to keep me out! Also, just to seemingly entice me he placed a sign right outside his door that just- and then he-agh! I just don't get it!" She cried out and let her head drop onto the table.
"..I just want to help him, Celly. Is that so bad of me? I just-" Celestia couldn't stand to see her sister like this anymore. She sighed before moving in closer and nuzzling at her distressed sister's face.
"Luna.. look at me." She said as she pulled back. Watching as she slowly brought her head up to meet her own, tears forming at the edges of her distressed face. She simply hugged her.
Staying silent for a moment pulling back, but keeping her at hooves length.
"You've done nothing wrong. You were simply trying to help him like you have with many other children.. it's what you do" she smiled. "There's really no explanation to mind that could explain what caused you to act this way. At first it seemed imperceivable that the sweet little colt we first witness was the proprietor of your grief."
Celestia thought back to that night where the two of them entered the child's dreams. Well, unannounced. But still they did it for the benefit of the child, though she did think back to how the child reacted to the two of them.
"Thank you sister" Luna sniffled out a smile before casting her gaze downwards.
"But what shall we do about the colt?" She asked. "I don't think I have it in me to brave their dreams with the vigor I did before '' she admitted.
Celestia smiled. Wiping away a tear from her sister's cheek before nodding, it was something she should've done from the start.
"Something we should've done from the start. Meet them face to face."