Chapitre 47

Chapter 47

Author's Note:

I've spent a while toiling over this and the chapters going out after this one. Yet I still wonder if I'm what I'm planning on doing will sit right..

Maybe that's just the lack of sleep taking.

Anyways. Happy belated ThanksGiving!

Hazel woke up with a throbbing pain at the back of her head, a long with a very fuzzy and muted sense of hearing. Opening her eyes let her see that she was lying on the floor with a small pool of blood seeping out from her nose. If the sudden bolt of pain was anything to say about it, she raised her head upwards and shook. Trying to get rid of the constant ringing brought on by her lack of hearing at the moment, placing her hooves on either side of her head and pressing them against it tightly before dropping them back onto the floor. Groaning outwardly and using her hooves to push herself upwards, she had half a mind to ask herself what exactly happened during those minutes that she was unconscious.. though after a moment of painful realization her eyes shot open.

Her brain shot into action and spoke to her body, throwing herself upwards and onto her hooves as she stumbled stumbled forwards before shakily getting onto her feet, the world slightly spinning around her as her annoyance and desperation increased. Growing frantic as she couldn't see anypony else in the room, the pain from her nose was vastly smaller than the pain building up in her chest. Her thoughts gravitating towards what exactly happened moments before she found herself unconscious on the floor played out again and again as she scrambled around the corridor. Searching for any sign of Speckles.

"Nononononono..." she started as a mute mutter before it grew as her heart beat increased, the panicked and sadness further helping that growing pain in her chest swell. "..nonNO!!" She finally screamed out in anguish and fell down onto the floor, her legs giving up on her at the reality of what happened.

The reality was that they took him!

Hooves now frantically stomping up and down against the floor as she tried rationalizing the not so calm thoughts floating around her head. But it was proving impossible because she'd lost her child! N- "no that's not true! S-she stole him!" she told argued against her own demeaning thoughts.

That b-fucking changeling took him away from her! The tiling carefully constructed by the builders of the castle many years ago cracked against the force of her stomps as the distaste for changelings flipped and turned into absolute hate for them.

But she couldn't just sit here and scream curses and cry at nothing, she had to move. She had to find her baby. But how? She had no idea where he was taken and why he was taken, it was just all confusing. Even from the start back at Canterlot, because all the problems they had weren't enough life had to throw these stupid insects at them! She was perfectly fine with the life that they had before but no.

She wipe away the tears that were messing up whatever sort of makeup she couldn't remember applying at the moment and looked around again, with as much focus she could muster up she noticed something glistening just a ways away from her. She tilted her head and quickly crawled her way towards it, once close enough she was able to tell exactly what it was. It was a way to help her Speckles even if she wasn't anywhere close to him. It was one of the guards ponies chest plate, with the bright blue gem in the center of it, not worrying about how it was just left there on the floor before moving. Eyeing the blue gem in the middle of it she remembered what it was used for and pressed quickly pressed down on it until it's bright blue glow reflected off of the floor and she let it drop out of her hooves and looked at either side of the corridor.

A blue light shone from the armor piece before returning back to its dull and blue color. With that she let the piece drop out of her hoof as she turned and waited for the eventual appearance of the guards.

With how angry and distraught she was feeling at the moment she knew that she couldn't do anything to help Speckles until she talked to the princesses, who she couldn't help but blame partly for this happening. But she just reluctantly dropped back onto her haunches and let out a heavy sigh and rubbed both hooves against her head, the pain she was originally feeling when she woke up resurfaced. This was just all insa-

The cacophony of armor jostling in place brought her attention away from the pain and towards the site of a group of armored ponies quickly hustling over to her. Giving her the strength to push herself onto her hooves.

Then there was light...

Or so I thought, because when I opened my eyes I was met with the glowing eyes and glowing horn of a changeling that was too close for comfort. Which immediately brought out a response from me "back the fuck up!" As I tried moving myself. Only too look down and find that I was compelled encased in that disgusting alien like goop.

Then again. A glance at the rest of the dark area gave me insight as to where exactly I was, and the remembrance that I was just recently kidnapped very prevalent in my mind. Mentally let out a humongous sig- only to be interrupted by the changeling who I told to go screw off getting closer to me. I struggled against the goop as I tried moving my head backwards from the changelings face.

Though my unsuccessful struggle was stabbed even deeper into my head as the changeling grinned, their eyes creasing as they gave me a full display of their pearly white fangs. I wouldve said something against that too but I stopped when she spoke to me. The sudden realization of who this specific changeling was dawned on me.

"Hi Speckles~" she spoke in that very prominent voice, with the Canterlot accent and everything. Who also proceeded to fall into a fit of giggling as she looked at my surprised face.

"Aurora." I said in a terse tone. Fixing my gaze and now full on glaring at her. Of course she had to rear her ugly head around just to rub it in.. better yet.. what has she been doing ever since I pulled a Houdini on her?

"Ah! So you do remember me." She said in an overly sweet tone, backing away so our faces were not almost touching anymore and smiling. Creepily smiling.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me!" Before moving back in and placing one of her cheesy legs against my face, forcefully moving my head to the side and sniffing due to my lack of freedom. "...Are you happy to see me?" She perused in a satisfied tone.

To which I immediately snapped back. "Bitch. Do I look happy to see you? Why in the world would I be happy to see an ug-ack!" I couldn't finish my insult as she up and punched me across the face! Which immediately sent a jolt of pain coursing through me and a sudden groan of pain from me.

"That wasnt the answer I was looking for honey.." she said in an overly sweet tone. Switching back into that Canterlot accent she used to try and infiltrate my life, now trying to force the narrative in her favor. I could feel some sort of pressure forming at the base of my head, and it just wasnt the throbbing from the sucker punch.

I grit my teeth and furiously shook my head.

"And you'll keep getting the wrong answer! You stupid rap-ack!" Her loud hiss and hooves pressed firmly on my neck stopped any refutes. I opened my mouth and let our a wheeze as she pressured further, easily ignoring my struggles as I kicked against the goop I was stuck in. Heart racing faster and faster befor-

"Speckles, I can only allow so much before I do something worse than.. hit you." She finished in a calmer voice before finally letting go and dropping back onto her hooves.

Giving me ample time to greedily breath I'm as much fresh air as I could. My glare returning as I took that time to situate myself and figure out what I'm going to say and do after that.

'Fuck me.. what kind psychopath chokes out a kid!' I mentally yelled.

"W-hy are you even here anyways? Queenie sent you to guard little old me?" I coughed out, ignoring her comment, the phantom feeling of her hooves still on my throat sent a chill down my spine.

I then focused my attention and anger downwards to the stuff I was trapped in.

I felt my way around the inside of the goop with my hooves, pressing against the firm yet squishy substance to see if I could force my hoof through it.

"Actually. No, I'm not even supposed to be here.. Mother dearest clearly ordered everyone to stay away from this room." she accentuated the 'mother dearest' part exactly how I would, which made me stop grit my teeth in annoyance.

She grinned at that.

"Oh, you like how I worded that? I learned it from a little somepony." she pressed a hoof against my nose "boop!" and I felt myself scrunch up involuntarily.

"'re disgusting." I commented.

She happily refuted with "disgustingly obsessed with you~" and laughed to herself.

"But sadly I cant stay any longer.. Mother is bound to barge in here." She let out a sigh and ran a hoof down the side of my face "sad that I wouldnt be able to get a taste for myself...unless?" She mused. To which I quickly shut down.

"Fuck you."

"I wish.." she angrily muttered to herself.

'Wait wha-'

"But! I can satisfy myself with thi-" she pressed her nose right against my neck and inhaled deeply. Leaving me helplessly receptive as she pulled back and shuddered out an exhale.

"Absolutely delectable" before she slinked back into the shadows where she appeared from and disappeared.

"Finally..." I let out a sigh if relief. Then immediately went back to trying to get out of this. Kicking at it with my back hooves so that it would stretch out, so then I could use my arms to try and break through the stretched out substance.

I bit my tongue as I pressed my hooves deeper into it "come.....ON- yes!" My eyes widened and I frantically scrambled as soon as I heard the ripping noise. Shifting my hips around so I could slide downwards ever so slightly until I finally slid out through the bottom half. Landing on the floor with a disgusting 'squish'.

"-oh gross." I muttered. Getting onto my feet and looking around the room for an exit, I stepped forwards and squinted my eyes at the dark corners of the room. Rough outlines of walls and indentations in them were the only things I could make out. Frustrating me as I knew the clock was ticking, Queenie could be inbound at any moment!

"C'mon.. c'mon.. where is-" my ears shot up as I heard the sound of something shifting and than darting for a dark corner as light suddenly shone into the room. I just barely slinked out of the way of the beam of light and crouched down, pressing myself as close to the ground as I could.

The voice of the Queen followed almost immediately after I hid myself away, looking up as her glowing red eyes stared at the wall where I was supposed to be stuck to. She hugged out in annoyance before turning her head to the side, making me come to the conclusion.

She knew I was still I here.

I mentally cursed at that and shifted on my feet, my stomach fully pressing against the floor as I inched forwards. Planning on just booking it passed her while she wasnt looking.

"'re still in here aren't you?" She called out. "I can tell because I can smell you.. and because I'm not stupid." She continued.

'My ass. She's dumb as bell for not leaving a guard with me.' I argued but shook my head. I should be more worried about the fact that she was literally sniffing me out!

"Its why I cant wait to devour you.." She stepped forwards.

I crawled forwards even further, twisting my body towards the doorway she entered from and went to go even farther. Only stopping as the fur on my back raised and I immediately froze on the spot, instinctively knowing that there were eyes on me.

"Found you~" she crooned.

This sparked the fight or flight response and I chose the latter.

"Bye bitch!" I yelled out as I lurched forwards and used that momentum to start hauling ass out of the room.

To be continued