Chapitre 50

Chapter 50

Author's Note:

The scattered thoughts of the characters reflect how I'm feeling in person

There wasn't a phrase out of the many in my head, that I could pull out and specifically use to describe my location without repeating them. I'm pretty sure I've already used them all, theres not many words you can use with "icky green egg stuff" and still accurately describe. Much less being able to describe the room with countless amounts of glowing amorphous globs of glowing green.. goo, that we came to a sudden stop into.

I felt a shift underneath me and pitched forwards into his neck as he halted and landed back onto the ground. I shook my head of his hair and took another look at the room, really getting a general sense of how freaky this was. Even if it was expected with these bug ponies, there really isn't a function in the human brain that lets it sort of... click, that an unnatural force lurks around.

He curled his wings back into his sides as he nodded to himself, muttering something that I wasn't quite paying attention to as he crouched down. A wing outstretched itself, and I unconsciously let go of his neck and slid down the length of his wing. Plopping my little hoofsies straight into the black go- shit, I'll call it black shit from now on.

My feet met the black shit, and I flinched as the unpleasant squelching noises sounded as I took some steps forwards. Eyes moving away from the glowing eggs, which was me still trying to discern whether or not they'd do, something, at least something for... I'm not sure how to finish that thought.

'Whatever' I shook my head and looked back up at him. Which now that I've come to another realization, I actually never took the time to consider what this guys name was. Not the foggiest clue or idea as to what to call him besides 'that guy' and 'Mr.Royal Guard' or whatever else I decided to call him earlier when we started getting away from the incoming changelings.

He'd trotted over to one of the walls of the room while I decided what exactly what I was going to do about his name, ask about it, or wait until later seeing as this was a pretty tense situation to just casually walk up to him and be all like 'what's your name?' then receive a weirded out response from him in return.

I shook my head and quickly trotted over towards him, internally cringing at the sounds my hooves made while touching the black shi-

'Alright, I change my mind. I'm obviously going to keep commenting on the floor, so referring to it as a curse is going to sound weird over time.'

Nevertheless, I came to a stop next to him as he stared off into a darker part of the room, he was unmoving for a moment before he blinked and looked down at me. Affording me a small smile before fully turning his body and crouching down so that we were face to face. I took a step back in response and stopped at a preferable inch or two back before I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hey Speckles, you alright?" He stated softly, breaking eye contact to look around us before looking back to me.

A small bead of my unorthodox comedy was prevalent and latched onto a similar memory I had. Though I wasn't in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, and neither was I a little girl name Clementine.

In a sense, this felt entirely like a telltale NPC type interaction, but nevermind that, I dont have a scroll wheel of options to pick from.

I afforded a sigh after a few moments of silence and gave one of my beloved responses to a dangerous situation like this.

"Obviously, getting kidnapped by morally questionable changelings in broad daylight? Especially in the princesses castle?" I rained it back in as I felt my frustrations surfacing without me noticing.

I shook my head and looked back up at him, gauging his expression sag as I continued.

"Other then that? Yeah, I'm peachy."

I would've said 'Peachy keen jellybean!' But it's such a stupid phrase that I was subconsciously blocked off from mentioning it.

He also let out a sigh and shifted his footing, the residue of what was encasing him moments ago had dried up and caked his body. A grimace formed on his face as the black funk we were standing in was now adding even more stuff to sticking to his fur.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Hey wait, since this stuff was very prone to sticking and staining, did that mean I'd have to take a bath when i got home? I looked down at myself and felt a bit of dread seeping in, since I was just now seeing the results of me hauling as and eating shit all over this place.

'Gosh darnnit.' I mentally sighed.

"But with how you first introduced yourself and from what the princess filled me in on back before.. well, all of this" his voice drew me out of my important thoughts once again.

"-yep, Speckles the great, mighty and powerful God" I finished with a small grin, making sure not to emphasize the 'Mighty and powerful!' Part since we were pretty close to changelings.

While he stifled a small chuckle, I suddenly remembered why the hell we were in here and snapped my attention back towards the tunnel we came from. The green hue that seemed to be synonymous with these changelings lit up patt of its interior, thankfully letting me see the lack of changelings peering through it.

Man I felt like such a dumbass for not even realizing the very prevalent danger, no even a few feet behind us!

I'll chalk it up to just being in here for a while, my mind having to kick back into what it was made to do. Which was keeping my ass away from any of these changelings, and their queen.

'Especially with 'miss feral psycho' back at the castle.' I felt myself shudder at the memory.

"But with that out of the way, I've come to a realization" I said as I snapped back around. "Were in a flipping changeling hive, we can't afford to stand around with our fing- err.. hooves up where the sun doesn't shine."

He raised an eyebrow and went to respond to that before I cut him off by flapping my own wings and dropping onto his back again.

"-wee dont have time to question anything, we've gotta keep going" I said while shifting myself into a better grip as he stood up.

"..right, let's get out of here.." he started and spread put his wings, head moving around to look for an anterior exit.

Meanwhile at the castle, the mare who was expressing her anger and grief at her child being kidnapped was sat outside a big and golden door. Tears streaks visible on both of her cheeks, teeth bared, and narrowed expression staring at a very uncomfortable royal guard. Specifically the one that was given the task of keeping the grieving and emotional mother outside.

Which was an honest to Celestia bad idea. Not that he would ever bring that up to the solar diarch, he valued his life way too much to try and provoke an already agitated princess Celestia.

How did he know she was agitated? Wouldn't the princess who's lived for thousands of years be able to masterfully mask her anger? Short answer, yes. She was pretty good at keeping it together until she took the ink and parchment away from Raven.

Even shorter answer, philosophers and nobility alike have mastered the art of keeping a calm demeanor while having their writing very prominently expressing how they feel.

The fact that Mrs.Snowdrift was yelling at the princess didn't help it at all.

But right now, having the piercing glare that seemed to make him want to crawl under a gravestone and cry as he suffocated to death, was much better than the weight her raw emotions were projecting onto him.

"Sorry ma'am, orders are orders" he simply stated in his serious voice. Well, as much of a serious voice he could muster without stuttering.

"..well, that orders is a bucking dumb one, so I've delegated to NOT listen to it!" She huffed at him.

"The changelings came in here and kidnapped my baby, my FOAL, and you're here denying me the right to ask for his safety?" She continued with that shaky and angered voice of hers "after the princess herself invited us here? Even knowing what happened back in Canterlot AND CloudsDale?"

He couldn't say anything in response.

"She obviously knew the risks and still invited us here! It's like she didn't even care about those incidents!" She continued, leaning forwards and planting a hoof on his chest plate, he felt a strong force hold it in place as he subtly tried to move away.

Oh, sweet Celestia..

The Queen shifted in her throne, draping her legs over the sides as she stared down at her children standing at attention just below her throne. An unamused expression firmly planted on her face as she eyed them all with much scrutiny. But she couldn't really be bothered to mouth off to them again, there were more pressing matters to attend to.

Very pressing indeed, she had a little love filled foal to track down and capture once more. Then she had to go back to Canterlot and begrudgingly save her sister from the clutches of the ponies. As much as she despised the idea, Chrysalis still was her sister. And with the news of her apparently reverting back to a more feral state when confronted by the child, she was more use to her here than being imprisoned by the ponies.

"Is S2 currently functioning?" She casually stated, not bothering to fix her gaze onto any of her children. That would just prolong the answering period.

A few meek clicks brought a fang filled smile to her face "good, tell her to report to the lower levels.. and bring the child to me."

A single click followed the buzzing of wings was enough of a response for her to shift her long body again. Using a hoof to prop up her head as she fixed her gaze onto the remaining changelings.

"Now, the rest of you are going to do your dear mother a favor.."

To be continued