The Happiest Reunion

Ale had no intention of destroying the sword.

Why would he? It was his sword to begin with. His dear, cherished sword which he spent half of his past life with.

That's correct. That malicious looking, evil, ominous sword was the one Ale loved and cherished with all his heart. It was his partner of life and death.

Even with his broken soul and scattered memories, this sword was the one thing he'd never forget. He could feel it with the loud thumping of his heart and the occasional shivers.

'My baby~ I finally found you!'

Although the location was different from his last life, he didn't care. As long as he could reunite with his precious baby, everything was fine!

"You're going to seal that sword?"

The holy relic doubted Ale's intentions as she asked. In the first place, even someone like her was unable to assert their dominance over the sword.

So no matter how strong Ale was or how pure his power of light was, it was still a near impossible task in her mind.

"Please rest assured. This is a box specially invented by me for cases like these. You'll see when I'm done."

Ale said those words as he opened a corner of the box. Instantly, a dense wave of mana filled with the power of light poured out of the box.


The Holy Relic was left speechless by what she felt during that few seconds. She failed to stop Ale any longer as she saw him close the box and enter the room.

As she saw Ale closing the door on her face, she finally managed to come back to her sense and utter a few words.

"Such pure light…?"

She was curious. About his identity and his origin. This was the first time in hundreds and thousands of year during her life as a relic that she saw with such a pure yet disastrously strong light user.


"Oh and! Please don't peak inside. I'm a very shy person!"


He came out, said those words and slammed the door on her face once again.


She was left speechless once more as she stared blankly at the closed door.

On the other side, Rudy and Ale's people were losing their mind due to Ale's sudden action.


Both Phil and Gary shouted at the top of their lungs with a horrified expression as they saw Ale jump down.

The huge splash caused by his fall died down under the clashing sound of their swords as they were forced to defend against the continuous attacks of the underwater disaster.

"D-did he just fall?!"

"I think he jumped down...?"

"Why would he do that?!"

"Does he even know how to swim...?"

"Of course he does!"

Rudy and his friends were in complete shock as they tried to get a hang of the situation. More than anything, they were confused about Ale's action and intentions.

"Please don't worry. My master may look a little weird but I can assure you, he's not doing this on a whim."

Kevin was the only calm person in that entire boat. As they heard his unusually calm voice, they all looked towards his direction in wonder.

"A LITTLE weird?"

"NOT a whim...?!"

They couldn't help but ask as they looked at his direction.

"Yes. He must've dived down to try and purify the artifact."

Kevin said calmly. But only Phil and Gary could see the bulging veins in his forehead and the crack on the boat's hem due to the strong grip he had on it.

In reality, Kevin wasn't calm at all. He was angry and frustrated. Frustrated that he couldn't stop his master from doing dangerous things once again, even though he knew that guy was planning something like this.

One second, he took his eyes off of Ale for one second as he tried to get the boat under his control. And that guy took advantage of that one second to go and do something like this.

'Hah! Who am I kidding?!'

He laughed at himself for thinking like that. Even if he hadn't looked the other way, there was no way he could stop Ale. He was just comforting himself with lies.

"Why did he do that?"

Rudy finally asked after everyone calmed down to some degree due to Kevin's words.

"Why? To purify the artifa-"

"No. Why is he risking his life? It wasn't necessary."

Kevin was about to repeat his previous sentence once more but Rudy cut him off mid-sentence.

Rudy's question was normal considering the situation. But both Kevin and the two knights had a weird look on their faces as if they couldn't comprehend what or why exactly he was asking that.

"He didn't need to, right?"

Rudy asked again, confused why he was receiving such weird reactions in response to his question.

"But it's the young master.."

"Yeah. It's just like him."

Phil and Gary answered, looking at each other and nodding their head.

"Just like him?"

"Yeah..because it's our young master."

Instead, Phil and Gary replied to his question. It was a reply indeed, but Rudy didn't feel like he received the answer he was supposed to.

"Cause it's Ale...?"

So he asked back, asking for more detail. But all he got in response were some vigorous headnods.

"The young master.. He has always been like that.."

Kevin placed a hand on his forehead as he felt an emerging headache. It was Ale. He was the headache.

"Is it just me or did the disaster really slow down?"

Out of the blue, Ron pointed out something unusual about the disaster. He was one of the guys with keen battle senses so he could immediately tell when there was a change in the enemy attitude.

Maybe in that sense, he was even better than Rudy. But he didn't have the brains to accompany that enormous strength and battle sense. Which only made him sound more humane, afterall, no one is perfect.

"We should end this as soon as possible and go down."

"Yes. Ale is all alone down there. He might need help."

With that order coming from Rudy, Ron finally went berserk and Rudy, Phil and Gary all three of them took out their aura swords.

The two party were shocked by each other's talent and strength and it didn't take too long for them to acknowledge each other.

With a team full of monstrous people and their burning desire to defeat the enemy and help Ale, the result that followed was just pure destruction.

The sea almost split apart as their attacks cut into the body of the monster. With a barrage of attacks coming down like rain and thunder, the monster could no longer hold his ground and started losing it's vitality.

After a short while, the two knights of Ale and Rudy's friends started working together and managed to create an opening for Rudy. They made it possible for him to attack the monsters core by destroying all of it's tentacles at the same time.


And with a loud shout, he brought his sword down on the monster core, shattering it into hundreds of pieces.

"Huff.. huff.."

"It's done?"

"Is it finally over?"

"That was definitely a level five disaster core."

"Level five..."

As they all saw the pieces of the core slowly disappear into thin air, they all wanted a few seconds to catch their breath. But they couldn't. They simply didn't have the time.

There was another idiot fighting who knows what at the bottom of the ocean.

But just then, Stuart realised something was wrong as he took a second glance at the ocean water where the core was.

"No wait. Why did it disappear?"

"The core? Because Rudy smashed it into pieces?"

Alice replied as if it was something obvious. They had done the same thing time and time again so she couldn't imagine why Stuart was acting like that.

"No no no. This wasn't a normal core! It was a core powered by an artifact!"

"It shouldn't disappear as long as the artifact is there?"

Rudy realised what Stuart was talking about and came stood beside him as well. He looked down at the seemingly bottomless ocean water as he spoke to himself.

"That could only mean..."

The smiling face of a certain person holding up a thumbs up came to everyone's mind simultanously as they all frowned deeply.

'That guy-?'

"Young master did it."

Kevin finished Rudy's incomplete sentence as he let go of the boats hem. The ocean was finally calm. Phil and Gary looked at each other with excited expressions after they heard Kevin's words.

Although none of them were expecting Ale to fail, that still didn't stop them from feeling the joy of his success.


As they high fived each other, they cheered loudly.

At the same time. Underwater.

"la la la la la~"

Ale was humming to himself as he came out of the room. The small box in his hand that had a bright golden colour before was now completely black. But that was it. There were no other changes.

The sword was nowhere to be seen and the dark and ominous aura surrounding the ocean floor was gone.

The Holy Relic looked at Ale with eyes of disbelief as it kept staring at his happy figure.

"I-is it over already?"

"Just like that???"