WebNovelRe : Life60.14%

The Life of a Prince

"If it's as bad as you say, shouldn't we go in?"

Kevin asked while fxing his glasses and trying to get a grasp of the situation.

Every time they got involved with Ale, something unexpected happened. At first, he could use that smart brains of his to make sense of stuff and even provide some suggestions or directions.

But recently, things kept getting weirder, more complicated and on a larger scale at that. Take this for example, they were participating in a negotiation between countries and something went wrong, again, during such an important negotiation.

Kevin was at his wits end at this point.

"We can't. They're on a completely separated space inside."

"If we try to forcefully break in, someone might get hurt."

Both Rudy and Xion refused to go in. The rest couldn't hdlp but comply since they didn't know what went wrong to begin with.

"Uhh.. if going in is bad, shouldn't we stop those guys?"