Chapter 8: Lost... and new beginnings

(1st POV)


My stomach growls, craving food, my throat dry since I hadn't drunk or eaten anything for... I don't know

*sigh* ''I suppose I could try to find food.'' I say as I stand up and begin walking away from my mother's grave

Walking around the scarred land, in search of anything edible really.

Before I knew it, I had found myself in a destroyed forest.

Seeing multiple dead animals, I pick one up and start walking towards a clearing.



Having started a fire, I cook the meat from the animal, while boiling river water with a pot I found.

I had read a survival guide from general knowledge in the library.

How to make fire, shelter, safe water, everything you need really.

I had also picked up a few white flowers on the way, ill place them on her grave later.

(That power was really something else. Though I think that was a one-time thing for now. I even started to use a little bit of my own life force to power that. It was going completely according to my emotions, protecting the places I treasured most)

Seeing that the meat had done cooking, I cool it down and take a bite.

(What do I do now? Dammit, I was so naive that I didn't even think of what I would do after the invasion. Go to Konoha? Yeah, what do I do there? Become a shinobi? Why?

Why do I keep on living...)

But then my mother's last words ring through my head.

(No, I already died once. Now, I'm in a world with infinite possibilities, I even have some power now, though nowhere close to the likes of the real big-shots. Maybe with enough power, I can even bring her back.) I start thinking positively for the first time in what felt like years

Seeing the dead bodies of other Uzumaki hit a lot harder than I thought it would. So used to see them going around with happy smiles on their faces, now gone. The conversation with Sara flashed through my mind.

(I will become strong enough so that this doesn't happen again. Most of the Uzumaki- no, my family probably went to Konoha, and considering what's to come, I need to be strong enough to protect them, strong enough so that my family doesn't suffer like this ever again. I will go to Konoha and use the resources there to become strong enough, if not the strongest so that this doesn't happen to them, ever again.) My resolve now concrete, I think through everything I need and need to do there.

Taking one last bite of the meat, I take the pot off the fire and let it cool.

After a few minutes, I start drinking and chugging like there's no tomorrow.


(That's great and all but I gotta build another boat now, someone found it and burned it. Great, looks like I will be living in this forest for a few weeks. Though, after building the boat, I should stay here and try to get to the third floor of the library and get that knowledge. Also, sleeping in the library is definitely better than sleeping in the forest, and I should set some seals to alert if anyone is arriving.) Short-term objectives made, my life here for the next 1,5 years began.




(Timeskip, 1,5 year, 8-year-old Yuki)

The first few nights were... brutal.

Nightmares, and no sleep.

But now there are a lot less, but they still appear from time to time.

After finishing the boat building, the same boat as before, I got right to trying to crack the barrier.

It worked after a few days of studying the seal's weaknesses and finally breaking it.

Of course, I put a new seal on where only I would be able to get in or out.

Lucky that I did, because some greedy merchants were starting to arrive. I showed no mercy.

Even after killing thousands, those were my first real hands-on kills, so I was affected, though I didn't stay affected for long

I haven't been able to access Disaster release since then, but my elements had definitely improved because of that, together with my training, I'm about 3/4 done with waterfall training.

My chakra sensing ability has improved a lot, it was around 65 meters, now 103. I even started to differentiate different chakras. Meaning like Karin, how Naruto's chakra was warm.

On to the library, taijutsu-wise, there wasn't anything that caught my eye, except Raging Ocean style. Basically, singular heavy hits, one after the other fluidly. I didn't want this style since I like being able to continuously attack my target, leaving no room for them to counterattack.

Fuinjutsu improved the most, I now know all kinds of seals and how to make them.

Ninjutsu also improved a lot, I now have multiple B-rank and A-rank jutsu under my belt.

S-rank jutsu tend to stay with those to created them so there weren't any there.

Kenjutsu is going very well, I had already found a suitable style before but now I had improved on it. Its name is Sky cutter style, this works well with my wind element and focuses on mostly medium ranged combat. How? Sending wind slices towards your opponent. It obviously can also be used in close combat but it works better this way because of its wide arcs of slashing. I have my Waterfall style for close combat anyway.

Of course, a normal sword ain't gonna cut it for such a style. I even chose this style just because of a discovery a few days after starting my training.

In what looked like a shrine, now in ruins, I found a blue blade.

(A/N Image)

Beautiful blade really, but the important part was that it was made of chakra metal, making it a chakra blade, the metal that allows much more freedom in putting chakra into something, so you can do things like make the blade longer, sharper and send out wind slices

You can probably do more, but I haven't tested it out yet

Snapping back to reality, I look into the window to see my reflection

I'm a pretty tall 8-year-old, considering I'm 137 cm when the average is 128

I'm wearing black shinobi sandals, black pants, and a gray long sleeve shirt. I have a backpack on with all that I have in storage scrolls. My sword is in a storage seal on my arm.

I've also taken everything in the library and sealed them into 5 scrolls.

Walking out of the library, I go to my mother's grave, with multiple flowers on it.

''I'll be going now mom, I'll make sure to come back sometime'' I say and after a few seconds, I start walking towards my boat.