This Chapter little bit long hehehe :)
- Human World -
Yukari who disappears from Vali bases in Underworld appeared in a Human World in Kuoh Town. She observed Kuoh Town. 'Hmm... there are few crows in this town, they must be Kokabiel and his pawns also there are Satan-class being this must be Azazel' thought Yukari. Yukari then glances at Kuoh High School he feels Holy Power 'this Holy power must be Xenovia and Irina, then they must negotiate with Rias and her peerage. Well, let's greet Spoiled Princess' Yukari let out a little chuckle and disappear from her position.
- back to before Yukari Arrived in Kuoh Town -
(Issei Pov)
We members of the Gremory group were gathering in the clubroom. On the sofa, Buchou with Akeno-san and the two "guests" were sitting. The other members of our group including me were sitting in the room's corner listening to their conversation. Even since the two of them walked into the clubroom, we continued to have a strange feeling.
Our instincts as devils tell us they are dangerous. Buchou and Akeno-san are talking to them with serious faces. But the one whose expression was the most dangerous was Kiba. He looked at them hatefully. If something happened... no. He didn't look like he was going to fight them for now. They are worshipers of God that Kiba hates the most. If you know his past, then you won't know that he is possessed by hatred right now. Under this atmosphere, the first person to speak up was Shidou Irina.
"Later the Holy Sword Excalibur, which was kept at the headquarters of the Vatican Catholic Church, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church was stolen."
Excalibur has stolen? And Catholic, and Protestant....? If I remember well, there is a lesson in school that there are different groups within the Christian Religion. But how could Excalibur be stolen from Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox? It's all one location right?
"Excalibur itself doesn't exist."
The one who answered my doubts was Buchou. Arara, it seems Buchou can read my thoughts.
"Sorry. One of my peerages has recently become a devil, so can we continue this conversation while explaining about Excalibur?"
Shidou Irina nodded at Buchou's question.
"Ise-kun. Excalibur was broken in the ancient wars."
Irina looked at me and said that. Hah? Broken? Holy Sword? Even if it's a super famous Sword?
"Now it looks like this."
The woman with blue hair and green tufts showed me her cloth-wrapped weapon. What appeared was a long sword.
"This is Excalibur."
Right after seeing it, it felt like every pore of my body was opened and a cold feeling invaded my body. Fear, goosebumps, anxiety. A sword frightened me. This is dangerous. Very dangerous. Even I understand devils will die in an instant just by touching them! So this is the Holy Sword? Is this the strongest weapon against the devil?
"Excalibur was broken into pieces in the ancient war. The fragments are collected and transformed into new forms through Alchemy. Made into 7 swords. And this is one of them."
That means this Excalibur is not the original, but a new sword that was made after it.
"The Excalibur I brought was "Excalibur Destruction". One of the 7 Holy Swords created. The Catholic Church owns it."
The woman with tassels puts down her sword and wraps it in cloth. If I look carefully, there is a spell symbol on the cloth. Is he sealing his powers? But that doesn't change the fact that it's dangerous. Irina also took out something that looked like a long rope. The rope moved as if it were alive.
...! The rope changed its shape right in front of me and turned into a katana.
"Mine is the "Excalibur Mimic". I can change its shape into any shape I want so it's easy to carry around. Like this, each "Excalibur" has its own uniqueness. This one belongs to the Protestant Church."
She said it proudly. I can feel fear because of that Excalibur too. That thing is also dangerous for us devils.
"Irina... there's no reason to tell these devils about Excalibur, right?"
"Ara Xenovia, even if they are devils we still have to trust them in this situation. Also, even if my sword skills are discovered, I won't lose to the devils here."
Shidou Irina said so confidently. She probably has confidence that she won't lose to us. But the two Legendary Swords are here! Wow, isn't this a serious situation!? Then I noticed a presence coming near me.
It was Kiba. He looked at Excalibur and the two women with hideous faces that I had never seen before. That's right...Kiba has a grudge against Excalibur. I never even dreamed that I would see Excalibur in a place like this. Kiba probably never thought that he would meet Excalibur here. And now it was right in front of him. His mind must go crazy. Calm down. Don't attack them right away, Kiba. Buchou is talking professionally to the enemy. If you interfere now, it can get terrible! The worst conditions could be a fight. There was no way he would just sit there looking at the Excalibur in front of him.
"...Then what does the stolen Excalibur have to do with this country in the eastern world?"
Buchou continues to speak with the same attitude. That's our Onee-sama. She didn't flinch even though there was Excalibur in front of him! She looks tough! The girl with blue hair and green tufts with sinister eyes—I think her name was Xenovia—continued to speak.
"The Catholic Church has two Excaliburs including mine. The Protestant Church also has two. Also in the Eastern Orthodox, there are two. The last one was lost in the previous war between God, Devil, and Fallen Angel. One Excalibur was stolen from each Church. The person who stole it fled to Japan and brought it to this city."
Hey, hey. So the holy sword thief is interested in this city? Buchou also put her hand on her forehead and took a deep breath.
"It seems that my territory is full of incidents. So who was the person who stole the Excalibur?"
"The ones who stole it were the Grigori."
Buchou widened her eyes in shock by that answer.
"The Fallen Angel organization took the Holy Sword? That's not a mistake. Besides that, the evidence shows that it was the Fallen Angels who stole it. To devils who are in top positions, holy swords are of no interest to them at all."
"We know the culprit who stole the Excalibur. One leader of the Grigori, Kokabiel."
" leader of the Fallen Angels who survived in the past wars since time immemorial...I never thought I'd hear the name of the person who appeared in that Bible."
Buchou frowned at the name. Wait, leader of the Fallen Angels!? Not only Excalibur but also the leader of the Fallen Angels!? B...that means that's the reason they came here? Is it for the sake of cooperating.....?
"fufufu...Rias Gremory you must be more careful when managing your territory"
Suddenly there are voices cutting Buchou and Xenovia talking, when we looked in the direction the voice came from, we saw a woman sitting on Buchou's chair and smiling at us. She wears a deep purple dress, a pale pink mob cap with a thin red ribbon, and smaller ribbons tied liberally on her accessories and the tips of her hair.
"Who are you?!?" Buchou asks with vigilance and we prepare to fight because this woman enters the club room without us realizing it.
I also took out my sacred gear and prepared for battle, Akeno-san issued a magic circle that emitted electricity, Kiba also drew out his sword, Koneko prepared to attack at any moment, and even Xenovia and Irina also readied their holy swords. facing us who were preparing to fight the woman just took out her hand fan then opened it and covered her mouth and let out a small laugh as if we weren't a threat to her.
"Ara ara~ Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first before asking other people? Were you not taught that?"
"hmm...I don't need to be told by people who enter our club room without our knowledge" Buchou said that with cautious and don't let her eyes from the woman
"fufufu..well let's introduce myself first it is. My name is Yukari Yakumo nice to meet you" The woman who called herself Yukari Yakumo introduced herself with a smile.
"now can you lower your weapons," Yukari said with a small smile.
"you can lower your weapons for now," Buchou said to us.
"Rias?" Akeno-san ask Buchou
"It's okay Akeno, I didn't feel malicious intent from her" replied Buchou
" seem different from what people describe you" Yukari smiled
"hou..can I know how people describe me?" Buchou stare at Yukari
"Spoiled Princess" Yukari chuckled after saying that. Buchou frowned at Yukari's Answer.
"That's very rude isn't it," Buchou said with a frown.
"fufufu...well it's what I hear" Yukari grinned.
"So what are you doing in my territory"
Buchou frowned again upon hearing Yukari answer. Koneko suddenly came forward and said.
"You are a youkai, aren't you"
"Ara~ what do you mean?"
"I can feel your Ki and you smell like youkai"
"Ah...I see. You're youkai yourself so you can feel my aura" Yukari said that while tilting her head but damn she was so hot ', she is probably an enemy' I tried to shake my head to get rid of my dirty thoughts
"yup, you're right I'm a gap youkai"
"Gap Youkai?"
Yukari smiles at Koneko and then pats her head. It surprised us because usually, Koneko doesn't like to be touched. She then glanced at me and said
"fufufu so this is this generation's Red Dragon Emperor."
"eh..." it shocked me when suddenly called.
"ano.. nice to meet you my name is Hyoudou Issei"
"ara~ a polite child isn't it, nice to meet you too," she said with her mysterious smile.
"You better train harder because your current rival is probably much stronger than his predecessor" she covered her mouth with a hand fan and let out a small laugh.
"What do you mean?"
"fufufu...wouldn't it be better if you ask your partner"
Her words confused me but I still nodded,
"How about you guys continue your conversation? Just pretend I'm not here anyway I just came to observe"
Buchou had a displeased expression but since the Excalibur matter was more important; she continued our conversation with the duo from the church who were still cautious with Yukari.
"Okay so where was it," Buchou said
Xenovia glanced at Yukari and did she decide Yukari was harmless, she kept her Excalibur Destruction back and Irina also kept hers.
"We sent priests and Exorcists to this city secretly but they kept getting killed."
Xenovia said that. Are you serious? There was such a terrible incident, and we didn't notice it at all...? does this mean a request for cooperation? Did they come to ask for the help of the High-class devils who rule this region?
But what the two women said next broke my guess.
"Our Our orders are for no devils to interfere with the fight between us and the Fallen Angels for Excalibur. We came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident."
Buchou's eyes changed after hearing Xenovia's way of speaking.
"That way of talking. What is restraint? Do you think we cooperate with those Fallen Angels? Maybe you guys think we joined them to steal Excalibur?"
"Headquarters said that it might not be impossible."
There was anger in Buchou's eyes. He's so pissed off! There are enemies coming arbitrarily into his territory. Then told him not to interfere. Also, they talk to their heart's content that they won't spare us if we form an alliance with the Fallen Angels. Buchou's pride as a high-class devil will definitely not stand still.
"Our superiors don't believe in Devils and Fallen Angels. We were told that if the Holy Sword was taken from God's side then the Devil's side would be happy right? The Fallen Angels will also benefit. For that reason, it was not strange that they formed an alliance. That's why we give you a warning. If you form an alliance with Fallen Angel Leader Kokabiel, then we will eliminate all of you. Even if you are Maou's younger sister, our enemy's boss."
Xenovia says it lightly without noticing Buchou's sharp gaze.
"...Until you know that, I'm the Maou's little sister, that means you have a lot of connections with the higher-ups of the Church. Then I'll just say. We will not form an alliance with the Fallen Angels. Never. In the name of the Gremory Family. I won't do anything that will tarnish our Maou's name!"
The situation became very heated for both parties.
"Fu. Listening to it is quite a relief. I have to warn you guys just in case Kokabiel is hiding in this city with the three Excaliburs. If something happened, then the people at headquarters would hate me. Okay, we're not asking for cooperation. As long as you form an alliance with God's side temporarily, it won't affect the balance between the three groups. Especially if it is Maou's little sister."
After listening to Xenovia, Buchou softened her expression and let out a sigh of relief. Ngggh. They've been saying complicated things I can't understand at all. Yukari who heard Buchou and Xenovia's conversation was just smiling and drinking tea even though I don't know when it was served but looking at Asia I knew Asia was the one who prepared it.