The show has ended but Aryana was frozen in her seat. Just as she was about to stand, there was a commotion at the front of the stage. She saw Erik rushed to backstage and after a few minutes, she saw him carrying the beautiful model, bridal style in his arms as he hurried out of the theater. Despite the distance, she saw the concern on his face.
Aryana stayed seated. She felt as if her legs will give way if she stood up.
Emma looked at her with concern. "Are you alright Aryana?"
"Yeah, I guess my legs cramped. Let me sit for a while." She whispered hoarsely trying to calm her nerves and numb the pain in her aching heart.
"Do you still have plans? The night is still young." She asked softly. She needed to divert her attention. She needed alcohol to forget what she just witnessed.
Emma thought for a while. "Would you like to do a pub crawl? There are lots of good bars and cafes nearby with great food of course."