Taken Hostage

Aryana remained calm as the young man maneuvered her skillfully out of the chaotic crowd.  He has two companions.

She was led to a narrow alley, then  to the barracks and then to the nearly finished admin building at the far end of the construction site.  The man holding a knife on her was the young disheveled man she saw earlier in the crowd. 

With her improved skills on self defense she know that she can take her chance to escape but there was something in the man's eyes that troubled Aryana. 

They placed a bomb at the door at the ground floor and took her to the third floor in an inner room away from the windows.  They also placed a bomb at the door of the room.

'He is smart.'  Aryana thought.

There were three of them. Aryana watched them carefully.  The young man who seemed to be the leader asked the bald man to tie her up.  Aryana nicknamed the bald man 'Baldie'.